Maybe so if what we hear on that video isn't likened to the sound of "Living Things" and the bridge in FM's "Welcome"
A vinyl used by Joe Hahn popped up and was bought by a collector at LPCatalog, who ripped it and released for download via MEGA on their site here in FLAC quality (the news post also provides a rundown on each sample done by Astat). It is all of the samples Joe used live for the songs on Meteora, each looped many times. A copy of the vinyl is seen in the Live in Texas videos, as pointed out on LPCatalog. Each track has samples for it on this vinyl, even including songs without scratches like Faint. Samples range from the scratches in the songs to guitar samples akin to the POA ones on Tasty Gas Station Breaks used to double Faint and the flanged guitar on Easier to Run. Unlike the Gas Station Breaks vinyl, all the samples here are used in the album songs (though one sample is a bit hard to pinpoint). Definitely a great release, especially so close to Meteora's 13th anniversary.
Read it as "Mall studio update" and spent a solid 30 seconds thinking "wait, didn't Mall come out over a year ago!?" Anyway, didn't we get a studio update recently? Wonder what they'll tell us this time, they're hardly going to give us another update to just tell us the exact same things they told us last time.
The guys did a facebook live yesterday. Nothing new but they being still recording vocals (the first step of this album). Brad did some vocals.
New e-mail coming tomorrow. New song at the announcement video?