My last thread was closed due to some off topic discussion so I'm starting this new one for anyone interested in helping me. Here is what the last thread was about. (My first post) I need someone to make a website for me. I have the webspace and a .com address. I just want to totally revamp my site. I would like someone who knows what they're doing to do it. I would pay you and it wouldnt be hard because I know how I want it to look. You can message me on here or email me at [email protected]. My name is Lawrence if you want you can just reply on this thread. Also the website is for an artist/painter friend of mine. (My second post) Ok I hope everyone got there disagreements worked out lol. The website is I want to totally redo it. When you go to the site I want it to just be plain. The background to be a sweet color and have a picture of Jay and then an enter site link. The site totally blows right now because he had someone do it who didn't listen to his imput. Then after you enter the site he wants to keep it simple. Simplicity is key. He wants links for each type of artwork that he does and he also wants a bio link of him. If anyone thinks they can do it then I will give you more information. I appreciate the help that you have offered Tomi and the rest of you. You can pm me if you want or email me at [email protected] like i said in my previous post. Thanks again Voo Ok enough said.
Mm, like I said in your previous topic, if you provide me with a full mockup, I can probably code it for you, after my exams (end of month). Although, I like how you think. Simplicity is definately key to websites and certain programs [*cough*like the bloated msn*cough*].