The original is infinitely better. The remix is the worst song on Reanimation. It's way too happy for a depressing song. I don't care if Linkin Park wanted to make the mood different. Uptempo background music with depressing lyrics ruins the entire experience. And Kelly Ali totally ruined the song with her stupid singing. She sounded like a 5-year-old.
The original is way more better than the remix. The remix has just too many sounds in it and it´s definetly too fast..."My December" is the best LP song and will ever be the best LP song.
The original's dark, moody tone really brings out the depressing lyrics. One part that really does stand out to me is the intro - the 6-note tone that plays around the 10 second mark (three notes, pause with the background piano still going, then three similar notes, with the third one lower) just hits right in your heart. Every time I hear it, I think of my friend way, way over in NB...makes me sad...but at the same time, it's one of my favorite LP songs... B)
yeah the original is way better. when i first heard it i just had to keep playing it over and over. the song really touched me.
I like the original better. I never really gave the reanimated version a chance, but it's not as bad as i originally thought. I like them both, but the original is just so much better.
Yeah i would have to say the original is so much better; incomparable. Yeah the beat's cool with the remix, but you can't have a happy beat with an originally sad song. And your right about that singer! God, her voice is annoying!
The first time I heard them, I didn't notice any difference, but now I see that they're completly diferent! I think that the original is better.
I love them both... but the orginal to empty,and little boring if you listen after many times.. My<Dsmbr its more fresh. but both of them are Great!
the original is better. the slow tempo with the piano is ganxta. the remix is tight with the complex beat tho. the song is was meant to be slow tho, in my opinion.
The original is a really good song. I think Kelli Ali's vocals really helped strengthen the song, but i'm not huge on remixes anyhow, so i gave my vote to the original.
i think the original song is better than the one on reanimation,which sounds like a pop song.however,in the original,joe is not very good.i think he's noisier than he should be.thank god for the awesome vocals!..