I love that movie!! I always watch the marathon on TBS, for the WHOLE 24 hours, well most of it on christmas eve.. You'll shoot your eye out! You'll shoot your eye out!
that movie is halarious, i love the bunny suit!!! "I want a red rider bee bee gun for christmas!" bets though is when he beats up the bullie while saying fifty million bleeped out cuss words!
I LOVE BRAVEHEART!! watched it a billion times... i love the crazy dude who talks to God and 'owns' Ireland... I KEEP FORGETTING HIS NAME!! how bad is that...?? and forrest gump... also... a billion times... shawshank redemption... very good... very very good... since you like that, i suggest you watch THE UNTOUCHABLES and THE USUAL SUSPECTS!! that has a great ending... man... MAN!! anywho... WATCH ELF!! if only to see the midget jokes [i know, sad... but it's funny how kiddy movies have rude connotations...] and when he jumps on the christmas tree... the rest is soppy... BUT COME ON!! it's christmasy... what screams HOLIDAYS more...??
I liked American History X. Anything with Edward Norton in it, really.. and English Patient- Ralph Fiennes is so captivating on screen.
National. Lampoon's. Christmas. Vacation. Best friggin' Christmas movie ever. "Where you going to put a tree that big Grizzwald? Bend over and I'll show you!"
I'm pretty sure his name is Rider Strong. (I watch Boy Meets World) [/b][/quote] lol awesome Lorn, I always watch Boy Meets World on the Family Channel. I can't wait until RotK hits theatres in 3 days!
um..if you mean Christmas movies, I'm looking forward to seeing Home Alone 2 for like the 20-something time now when it comes on tv yet again. Also, I want to see Jingle All the Way. It's kinda cheesy, but hey..it's ah-nuld! "where is your chriistmaaass spirit??"
Elf Scary Movie 3 Cold Creek Manor Hybrid bunny: lol your sig's hilarious. where'd you get the picture?
um..i just did a search on google and found it. i slightly modified it though cuz there was some stuff that wouldn't make sense if i kept it in there.