What songs out there in the wonderful world of bad music top your sucklist? Here's mine. Note: Lets not turn this in to a huge fight. People have opinions. Don't try to defend your favorite band in this topic. Just type what songs you hate, and why. 1. Hawthorne Hieghts "Ohio is for Lovers" Look at this garbage... Grow up you pussy ass emo kid. Trust me, if I knew you, I'd fulfill your request immediatly. But I'd cut your throat and shove used toilet paper down your neck. 2. Good Charlotte "Girls don't like boy/whatever the **** it's called" Requires no explanation. AWFUL noise, that. 3. Good Charlotte "Anthem" OMG liek dis iz mi s0ng!! Dis is my anthum throw my damm handz up!!1! 4. Simple Plan "Welcome to My Life" Oh shut up you little pansy. Your life isn't hard. Even before you were famous, you probably lived better then 95% of the world. 5. My Chemical Romance "I'm Not Okay" Yes, you are okay. So... what now? You go back to wherever you came from and quit inspiring teen suicides? That'd be swell. 6. Three Days Grace "I Hate Everything About You" I like this group, and this song is really catchy and addictive. But come on you lazy bastards. Take some time and write a full song. Don't sing the same verse 10 times. 7. The Used "All That I've Got" What? What did you say? Random words can fool 14 year old emo girlz, but that's about it. Crappy, crappy song. Awww, cheer up 'lil guy. You always have your millions to fall back on. <3 I'll probably add more later. But for now, it's your turn.
do I have to post wht songs i dislike? cuz i just wanna reply on the Simple Plan song hehe i know its ur opinion, but still, did he ever say the song was abt himself? mayb some friend he knows or something else i love the song! I agree abt the other songs!
Kings of leon - Four kicks OMFG, the vocalists voice is just... argh, words can't describe how much I hate the fucking sounds that come out of his mouth. Good charlotte - I just wanna live What! You been fighting people all your life saying you're punk and then you release shit like this, I mean I'm not really a fan of anything you've ever done really, but this is just absolute crap. But I will give them some credit for trying something new and not trying to immatate the same sound on every song, even if change does sound like a constapated donkey.
Gwen stefani - Rich girl :angry: Grrrrrrrr... makes me angry J-lo - Get right (or something) MOST ANNOYING RIFF EVER!!!
Akon-lonely.Most freakin' annoying song in the world. :angry: Don't know the artist,but the song came out some years ago and it was very popular,that blue song.That song makes me puke!
I absolutely detest "Screaming Infidelities" by Dashboard Confessional. Awful song, that is. If your girlfriend is cheating on you, dump the stupid bitch. We don't want to hear about how you still love her even if she's breaking your heart. And with a voice like that, no wonder she's cheating. *shudder*
Finally, someone agrees with me on that Hawthorne Heights song Anyways, I cant believe no one has mentioned Crazy Town's Butterfly that song makes me want to gouge out my eyes with a hot french fry!
Simple plan-all the singles Side walk when she walks-Alexisonfire(the only AoF song I dislike) Candy Shop-50 cent(the title says it all)
My Chemical Romance: I'm Not Okay (i promise) i hate this song. i dont care about your stupid emo ways The Used: All That I've Got i agree with what link said....to many random words and phrases.
Alter Bridge - Open Your Eyes? It was an obvious attempt to sound exactly like Creed to get their name out there so everyone knew who they were. They are just another Creed and they annoy the fuck out of me. And yes, I will say it. Mark Tremonti is not the god everyone says he is. Simple Plan - Me Against the World A pitiful attempt at being a "heavier" punk band and they are obviously sticking to their horribly emo lyrics. I'm surprised when people talk about emo bands they go straight to Dashboard instead of Simple Plan, I mean look at Simple Plan's lyrics. Most of their songs are about not being good enough or break-ups or some shit like that, it's getting so tiring. System of a Down - BYOB Fucking terrible song, save the chorus. It sounds completely random, it makes my ears bleed. Future Leaders of the World - Let Me Out What the fuck is this song about? Can someone tell me? Everything is random and then they're just like "LET ME OUT IM SINGING". I dont get it. Weezer - Beverly Hills Ok, Come on...Weezer is a good band but what the fuck were they thinking when they made this song? It's nowhere near their capability. U2 - All Because of You Ok, Bono's voice is fucking bad on this song, I dont care what anyone says. This song is played on my radio station all the time and it annoys the hell out of me, he can barely sing as high as he tries to on this song and it shows.
50 Cent - Candy Shop (see chorus) Jesse McCartney - Beautiful Soul (BSB/N*SYNC died out 6 years ago) Mario - Let Me Love You (an annoying song that everybody sings [just like Candy Shop]) U2 - Vertigo (annoying lyrics)
Metallica-St.Anger(Do I need to explain?) Iron Maiden-Bring you daughters..to the slaughter(ridiculous theme)
Boohoo I'm famous... 1) Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life 2) Good Charlotte - I Just Wanna Live 3) Britney Spears - My Perogative Other honorable mentions... D12 - My Band Blink-182 - Feeling It
I hate a lot of Daft Punk's songs. They're just repeating the same phrase over and over with the same beat in the background to accompany this phrase. It annoys me how people could get rich out of saying "Around The World" a millions times in seven minutes.
1.Kings Of Leon-The Bucket (and the rest of Kings Of Leon) 2.Guns N' Roses-Live And Let Die (probably the only GNR song I don't like) 3.Offspring-Why Don't You Get A Job? 4.Nirvana-In Bloom 5.ALL POP MUSIC! 6.MOST R&B MUSIC! 7.All stereophonic's songs 8.Most of this brit rock crap (Including Muse,Feeder,Franz Ferdinand etc.) 9.All of S Club 8/Juniors (while they're little hormonic minds turn them on each other they produce horrible music) 10.Fake Rock bands like Mcfly and Busted (Charlie going to fighstar was the best desision of his career)
Do you have time?! I'll just name one that I HATE SO MUCH it makes me sick everytime I hear it: Redneck Woman by that Gretchin Wilson or however you spell her name. I hate that song and it makes me literally sick when I hear it.