More LIVING THINGS Track Descriptions from Golden Mixtape Blog

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, May 2, 2012.

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  1. #41

    hybridsoldi3r Member

    May 1, 2012
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    but they did do additional recording of Minutes to Midnight at NRG :p so they are a little bit wrong lol
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  2. #42

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Here is my theroy on the album title. We know that the band has always dreaded naming albums like some of could have been chosen MTM ones, I have recently been giving some serious thought to the notion that we THE FANS named the new album(hear me out).

    During the puzzles for BID after a hint from LP this happend

    "Living Things Theory

    LPA users have been hard at work on the code of the numbers since the Cypher 5. 4. announcement and the stand-out theory is the "Living Things Theory". Here's how it works. Coded into the page source of the Burn It Down puzzles are a series of 5 digit numbers followed by 4 digit numbers, these are added each time a puzzle piece is revealed on the site. By taking these numbers and subtracting all four digits of the second number with the last four digits of the first number we are only left with the first digit of the sequence. Subtract this from the result of the first calculation and we are left with a number between 1-26, which is then ultimately translated into the alphabet. Here is a grid of how Living Things was derived using this method. What this means is unknown but it's the only legible result so far. It's also worth noting that website is being prepped as a sub-domain which currently links to the page. Keep your eyes on the LPA for any updates and discuss this theory on the LPA Forums.

    01. <!--53282 3265--> | (3282-3265)-5 =12 -- L
    02. <!--41602 1589--> | (1602-1589)-4 =09 -- I
    03. <!--31157 1132--> | (1157-1132)-3 =22 -- V
    04. <!--00000 0000--> | (0000-0000)-0 =00 -- _
    05. <!--79546 9530--> | (9546-9530)-7 =09 -- I
    06. <!--61752 1732--> | (1752-1732)-6 =14 -- N
    07. <!--53168 3156--> | (3168-3156)-5 =07 -- G
    08. <!--00000 0000--> | (0000-0000)-0 =00 -- _
    09. <!--44682 4658--> | (4682-4658)-4 =20 -- T
    10. <!--39376 9365--> | (9376-9365)-3 =08 -- H
    11. <!--84149 4132--> | (4149-4132)-8 =09 -- I
    12. <!--00000 0000--> | (0000-0000)-0 =00 -- _
    13. <!--72029 2008--> | (2029-2008)-7 =14 -- N
    14. <!--65276 5263--> | (5276-5263)-6 =07 -- G
    15. <!--00000 0000--> | (0000-0000)-0 =00 -- _
    16. <!--58780 8756--> | (8780-8756)-5 =19 -- S"

    Now what I have thought from that post a few weeks back during the puzzle was who had proof this was the rite solution or "cypher"? The first teaser was put up by the band as "LP2K12" why? If the band had picked LIVING THINGS as the title why didnt that tumblr page have a different name or at least one that eluded to the title LIVING THINGS?
    We know Mike has always kept very good eyes on the LPA an other fansites proably out of wanting to stay in touch with how his fanbase feels so during everyones puzzle headaches with no snippets maybe Mike saw that someone decided to use the ATS method of the binary puzzles to try to come up with an answer to get that BID snippet.
    Picture LP having the songs but not the album title but they have picked BID as their 1st single off the new album and are working to get an album title so that the album pre-sale can begin with the new single debut. So perhaps Mike most likely or one of the other band members saw the forums talking about the cypher and coming up with LIVING THINGS as a result among a few other coded letters from the cypher based upon other theroies and Mike or the band decided that that would be the album title.

    Yes I know the domain name was taken but how do we know it was just picked by the band when they saw us all puzzled and debating what LIVING THINGS could mean and with all the millions of dollars and webmasters they have as a band just quickly snatched up the domain name? I know your gonna think I'm crazy but I'd love somebody to ask Mike this at sometime to know for sure. To me it makes perfect sense the band doesn't like naming albums and always keep some thought of what their fans are thinking especially when they delibrately put out a puzzle for a new song from a new album to see how we are reacting to the new info. So someone on this site comes up with LIVING THINGS and the band goes wow thats funny our fans our using the ATS method even though it wont unlock any part of the song because we have another "game" that will do that but hey "were all sitting here as a band trying to name the album and we still dont have a name, we just put out the first teaser on a tumblr page titled LP2K12 because we dont have an album title still. WOW look at all the reactions to this LIVING THINGS this person decoded using a pointless theroy some people loathe it some are puzzled others like it so maybe that's it you guys let's call the new album LIVING THINGS!"

    Again I know it sounds pointless but almost everyone agrees on here that LIVING THINGS is odd different reasons for different people but it did and does strike most as odd. And the title has been given barely insight from the band,Mike told NME why they chose that title but LIVING THINGS is so vague that even if they had just chose the title he could still honestly give an explanation as to what the album title means in relation to the songs and what they were about.

    Maybe I'm crazy but I'd like to hear your thoughts(whoever bothers to read this whole post anyway)
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  3. #43
    Stop the Talk Show

    Stop the Talk Show Hands Held High

    Jul 3, 2010
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    I respect your opinion but I have to disagree. What if those numbers came out to be meaningless and there were no leads like the one we had and there were no guesses. What was the back up plan? Are you saying they put random numbers and it happened to make a few letters that fit living things? The chances that the numbers made any words at all are so low. They definitely knew it was going to be Living Things before hand and put it into the puzzle. They named it Living Things because they liked it. Not because of some ciphering.
  4. #44

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Maybe they had other names but after the band saw us freaking out over LIVING THINGS they could have gone with that and shelved whatever other names they had and clearly still couldnt pinpoint. Why was the tumblr just called LP2K12? Thats not usually like the band. Isn't possible they didnt put up certain numbers to get those letters that it just happened? I mean you can come up with all sorts of crazy letter combos since their are so many different ways to decode and cypher.
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  5. #45

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    I didn't read the whole thing because it was too long and annoying to read on a small screen like my phone.

    They knew what the album title was. And the whole cracking of the code was done in this community (therefore I skipped all the number part of your post)

    If the band didn't "know" the title .. How could they say that STL22 was close? He came up spotting the correct way to decipher the numbers, so LP gave him a shout, which was very needed because everyone here was going literally nuts.

    They knew the title, and as much as they dread naming their creations, they still have to do it.

    EDIT: And as for LP2K12, it's just teasing. Linkin Park 2012 just that. You don't need complex naming for a teaser.
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  6. #46

    Wolf6950 Active Member

    Apr 10, 2012
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    "...but in the end, it doesn't even matter..." :awesome:
  7. #47

    Jack_Farrell KTTK is Chester suicide-diving off a cliff naked

    May 1, 2008
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    LP2012, teasers man. They've teased us about this album since the beginning of the year, always said LP2012.
  8. #48
    Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Occam's Razor. a theory that convoluted about how they named their album must not be true. they just named it "Living Things," no need to come up with some big conspiracy to justify a name you don't really like.
  9. #49

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    STL22 was close? How do we know that? Close to what exactly? Did we ever find out? No. He could have been close to actually unlockin gpart of the song which was the point of the puzzle to get a sneak listen to some aspect of BID we have no way to say for certainty STL22 was close to anything perticular.
  10. #50

    Sicknode Breaking The Habit

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Hurry up June 26th! I have officially decided that I am going to sleep in until June 26th. The only problem is I won't be able to sleep from anticipation! Lol.
  11. #51

    Jack_Farrell KTTK is Chester suicide-diving off a cliff naked

    May 1, 2008
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    His cipher was the way. He just needed more pieces. There were no songs at all hidden in the code. The song was in the arcade game. I'm sorry but you're just trying to justify your theory and the truth is, no, the album was already named Living Things.
  12. #52

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    I like the name it's vague so it can represent so much it's simplistic genius imo but that doesn't mean anyone here has absolute proof that I'm wrong nor do I have proof that I'm rite,just saying.
  13. #53

    Jack_Farrell KTTK is Chester suicide-diving off a cliff naked

    May 1, 2008
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    Well, fine, stick to your theory but don't plaster it all over every thread man.
  14. #54

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    So what was the puzzle for then the album title? If so why was their no mention of unlocking the album title and only mention of BID? Again I restate no one has proof I'm wrong.
  15. #55
    Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Um, for one the band tweeted "stl22 is close." soooooo there's that.

    Second, we had users on here who know about code look through the entire code, and they determined that "sudo solve()" and "burn()" were the only possible commands able to be put into the terminal. nothing else.

    Lastly, your theory is based on the assumption that an INCORRECT solution to a cipher just HAPPENED to spell out "Living Things." come on, do you really believe that?

    That is a fucking horrible argument. google the term "Russell's Teapot"
    Last edited: May 3, 2012
  16. #56

    mastae Some Honky

    Mar 22, 2012
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    All these track descriptions have me really excited for the album. Sounds like we're in for new and old :D
  17. #57

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Considering how everyone still has very strong opinions to the album title since LIVING THINGS was only just a speculative theroy we thought would help get us a clip of BID I think my theroy is rightly discussed.
  18. #58

    merrillmind Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    I dont believe it was just some random code that ended up being LIVING THINGS(that could be the case but not likely) but who's to say that LIVING THINGS wasn't put their as part of something else and once the band saw how we reacted to what it was they decided to name the album.
  19. #59
    Xerø 21

    Xerø 21 I was Ree's 100th follower on Twitter.

    Jun 26, 2010
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    No, it isn't. We were wrong about Living Things being a code, it was the actual title. That's all there is to it.
  20. #60

    shika-fab Member

    Apr 30, 2012
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    Really awesome !!! I'm getting more excited as days are passing by ,with those "reviews" that are coming out to give us a little taste of what Living Things sounds like ...LINKIN PARK FTW
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