More Impt: Tell us what you think

Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by Omar, Feb 27, 2008.

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  1. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    So you're telling me that it's okay to call someone "retarded" if they make a mistake on a math test that anyone in the world could make, simply because they had a lapse in their mental state which caused them to forget to carry a number over to another column?

    Your argument makes absolutely no sense, so I'd advise you SHUT THE HELL UP.
  2. esaul17

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    No, that is hardly enough to make them have an underdeveloped brain. They are not stupid or retarded or anything, it was just a mistake.

    I mean, if you want to be really technical, you could say that at that moment they acted similarly to how a stupid or retarded person may have, and possibly call their action a stupid or retarded action, but it in no way makes them stupid or a retard overall.

    And didn't we have an announcement a while back that said "YOU=Not Mod." telling people to let the mods do their job and not try to do it for them? Just because you do not understand something doesn't mean it makes no sense, that is an argument from ignorance and a logical fallacy. Please be more respectful. For someone who is apparently so sensitive to the feelings of others you seem rather quick to attack someone when they disagree with you.
  3. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Aren't you the one who doesn't understand this? As I recall, you've made several posts claiming you wish to know why the rule is in place and why people get so offended by it, thus making you the one who doesn't understand the situation.

    I'm going to point out, you're arguing in circles at this point. If someone isn't "retarded" for making a mistake, then why would someone be "retarded" for anything else, like tripping over a crack in the sidewalk they didn't see?

    I really fail to see why you're trying to make the use of the word "retarded" in any other context than to describe a mentally handicapped person seem like it's OK to do when it's not.
  4. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    You could also just.. you know.. dont take those 2 insults to the heart. How many times have you played an online game and you were called fag or retarded.

    You dont want to be called gay or retarded because you dont want to be compared to them.
  5. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    That's not at all why I wouldn't want to be retarded or why I wouldn't want to call someone retarded. Don't assume things when they're not true at all.

    For your information, whenever I am insulted in such a fashion, I'll generally ignore it, because I don't feel like arguing with stupid 14 year old kids who couldn't argue their way out of a paper bag with some intelligence if they tried.

    My sister is autistic and is always called "retarded" by people who don't know the difference, which is why I'm adamant about the word being used the way it's supposed to be used. And as for using "gay" as an insult, that's extremely lame, if you ask me.

    "Oh, dude, your teacher made you stay after class? He's totally gay!" Yeah. I'm sure the teacher is a homosexual because he made you stay after class.

    Learn to use different words that make you sound like you've at least got some semblance of intelligence.
  6. esaul17

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Yes, I am the one who does not understand why it is offensive. That is why I am asking for it to be explained, and not telling people who disagree with me to "SHUT THE HELL UP".

    I was never arguing we should label people as retarded. If you look back, all my examples have referred to idea or inanimate objects. People should not be labeled as retarded unless they are actually retarded (although I could see a case for calling someone's actions retarded if they mimicked what one might expect a retarded person to do). My main point was to understand why calling certain inanimate things which are slowed or underdeveloped "retarded" was wrong and offensive.

    PS: I agree with will on the "gay" thing. Was I wrong for thinking autism was a form of mental retardation though?
  7. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    Dont take the words as they're supposed to be. Do you take numbnuts by the heart aswell?

    "But.. I dont have numb nuts!"
  8. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    No, I understand from where you're coming, and I only advised you to shut up because it seems to me you're just arguing for the sake of arguing, which isn't tolerated here when they're isn't any point.

    No one has said using the word "retarded" (or any of its variants) is unacceptable. If you're talking about a flame-retardant suit, it's acceptable. It's when you start saying things like, "My computer is retarded." That's when you're going to start getting in trouble, because at that point, you're comparing your slowly-operating computer to a mentally-handicapped person, which is morally unacceptable.
  9. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Esaul, I've had enough with your immaturity and need to use words that were popular back in high school. I'm not quite sure how old you are, but most of us are in our mid to late 20's and have grown past using the words "gay" and "retarded" in the childish sense. It seems you have not, and instead feel it quite necessary to continually refer to this forum as badly run, or insult the boards, the staff and the rules every chance you get. If you don't enjoy the LPA, please go to a forum which allows the immature speak in which you refer to, and please by all means refrain from posting on here.

    Normally I would'nt flat out tell people they should stop posting here, but you sir are a clear exception to that philosophy. These forums have no room for your ignorance, and if using the words GAY or RETARDED are that important to you, then you registered for the wrong forums and should exit stage left. We don't allow that type of mindless speech here and we never will.

    Thank you for your time. Now please do us all a favor and either grow up, or leave.

    The Fundamentalist
  10. Will

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    None of your arguments have any merit or relevance to this conversation because the level on which "you're retarded" and "you're a numbnuts" are offensive are completely different, and if you can't see that, then I'm sorry.
  11. Todd Faced

    Todd Faced FLǕGGȦ∂NKđ€ČHIŒβǾLʃÊN LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    And on that note.....
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