Montreal College Shootings

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Mark, Sep 13, 2006.

  1. #21

    Neil Super Duper Member LPA Super Member

    Jan 1, 2003
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    My dad was watching TV and said that they blamed a particular video game, but he didn't remember what.

    Maybe blame the fact that the guy was a fucking goth outcast crazy fucking cocksucker. I've really had it with these trenchcoat wearing outcast motherfuckers.

    Look at this shit: What the fuck? Why are people allowed to encourage the actions of fucking outcasts. "Gothic industrial culture" they call it. I call it a bunch of fucking crazy motherfuckers who are so fucked in the head they need a trip to an asylum.

    Look at those photos.
    That piece of shit is holding a goddamn shotgun and uzi posing like he's some sort of hunter or something. THAT FUCKING PILE OF SHIT! I fucking swear to god if that stupid piece of shit lived, I'd get my ass out to montreal and curbstomp that useless, outcast striving, waste of life.

    I wasn't directly affected by this, but I live in ottawa, and I'll be in college in January. Not only that, I've had it with these fucking goth kids. Has anyone noticed the rising amount of crime with these fuckers? Yeah, let's dress all dark and wear makeup and drink blood and fucking quote really gothic things and talk about 666 and all sorts of other shit. They make me wasnt to like emo kids.

    My point being, I don't know.

  2. #22

    Amanda RIP Chester LPA Super VIP

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Why is everyone all:


    Uhm... welcome to a little thing called THE WORLD. This could have happened anywhere at anytime. Canada isn't heaven, you know. Bad shit's going to happen.

    Don't be so "greater-than-thou" about it.
  3. #23

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    Christ, I was going to stay out of this thread because I had the same thoughts that this is the world and no place is safe but... Neil, you need to lighten up a bit. I don't know if your post was sarcasm or you really feel that way, but just in case you're serious... It's that type of mentality that probably drives the "outcasts" to act like they do. It's never smart to pour gasoline on a fire. I'm not part of the "goth" lifestyle, but I know what it feels like to be labeled as one as you have and it's not necessarily properly handling the situation and therefore will have negative consequences.

    To me, this guy and any other school shooting situations are all the same, or seem to have a similar pattern. In my opinion it doesn't matter where you come from, eventually people snap. The amounts differ and depending on background, it will justify differently. It's unfair to blame a group for what individuals do as that's acting just as blindly as politicians who think Grand Theft Auto out of all things is encouraging sexual behavior. To back this up, when I was still in high school, guns were the "cool" thing. I couldn't go a few hours without hearing people before class started talking about their newest guns or ventures with guns. However, these were also the football team talking. So generally, a gun lover (using this as an example due to the story), does not make them what they appear to be. There are lines to be drawn and obviously the line of passion and obsession-without-being-able-to-think-clearly was crossed.

    People are allowed to encourage the "goth lifestyle" the same way we're allowed to encourage the sports lifestyle, geeks lifestyle, or anything else that has it's own set of ideas with a label. Simple fact is if he was a "goth" and he was being treated with disrespect, then it shouldn't be a surprise. If sites like is encouraging people of a certain lifestyle that feels shunned by their peers can make them feel a bit better about their life, choices and those around them, then I say more power to the websites. Not because I encourage negative behavior, but if a troubled individual can find closure/acceptance in a place (even if a web site/community), then it's less likely that individual will lose composure and go on a killing spree.

    I'm not saying these killings are justified. Taking another person's life in terms of revenge or anything of the sorts is not acceptable by any means, but I won't admit that people these days don't deserve it. There's absolutely no reason for us to judge others to the point we're degrading them. Maybe I was brought up differently but I don't intentionally ever badmouth people with the motive to destroy or degrade another human being. People these days just love to cross those lines for entertainment purposes and make broad generalizations based on individual acts which usually exhibit an overzealous obsession.

    I feel for those who have been traumatized by this situation, but I've become desensitized to school shootings. It's always the same story and the same things are blamed over and over again. I don't know if people think if it happens once it won't happen again, or people think it won't happen where they live, but obviously people have yet to learn how to fix what ever it is that causes these people to snap. A happy person who loves their life is not necessarily going to pick up a gun and shoot people. There's something that people must be ignoring or failing to teach children these days that can prevent this from continuously happening. I'm not trying to preach; just stating my observations.
    Just my two cents.
  4. #24

    whoneedssubtext? gggg-uNOT

    Feb 12, 2006
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    They interviewed someone who called himself a "real Goth" and he didn't wear a trench coat, and he said he's been one since the 80's.
    He said Gothic Culture is seeing the darker, yet still beautiful, side of life.
    He also said, one person doing this, is going to ruin it for the rest of them, because of the fact that it's a stereyotypical thing to do.
    If a bunch of, I don't know, let's say linkin park fans did this, none of you would say "Linkin Park is a bad influence and I hate them all, now, excuse me while I sing a long to qwerty"
    And, all these people say "It's because of violent video games"
    Well, what if it's because of knitting, how do we know this guy didn't knit?
    Or skip?
    Politicians just wait for things like this to happen, they love it, because that gives them a chance to do something other than sit on there fat ass' and argue with each other.
    Although, even this brings up arguments about gun control and video games.
    The man purchased his guns legally, what more do you need to know?
    Abolish all guns besides Rifles.
    Because, there's no point to a hand gun, or an ak-47, besides taking lives.
    You can say you hunt, and all that shit, that's fine and dandy, but if you need an ak-47 for hunting, I say you take up the noble sport of tiddilywinks.
    Guns are useless.
    The only people I can see needing them are police, but then again, Police are just as likely to kill someone as a linkin park fan.
  5. #25

    Evan™ HI! I'm Randy, I'm a Bandicoot Über Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    shootings no matter how safe the country is will always have a possibility of matter the reason, theres always a chance of something like this happening even in Canada, Singapore, England...hell wherever you live...for all i know tommorrow someone could just drive by house and shoot the fuck out of me....
  6. #26

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Sure we can be like that. Things like that never happen here. The homicide rate in Canada in 2004 was 1.5 per every 100,000 people. The homicide rate in the US in 2004 was 4.3 per every 100,000 people. With us being exposed to American media and watching more of it than local media, it's easy to assume the "greater-than-thou" standpoint, however egotistical it may seem. The thing is, we've consistently been one of the safest countries in the world, especially when compared to our other North American counterparts.

    I know anything can happen anywhere at any time, but based on assumptions based on past statistics, it's a much less occuring event here. We're just accustomed to events like this not happening.
  7. #27

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Yeah, totally, let's blame music, games, america, ramen noodles, etc. Whatever floats your boat, as long we you don't get to the central issue of this entire thing: where were the parents, man? Was he teased (ie: see Neil's post)? Metal music is an outlet for rage & depression. It's supposed to make you feel like you aren't the only one feeling these things. I don't know what the canadian media is blaming this on, so I can't go further really.

    All in all, like Amanda, I don't see the point in the holier than thou attitude. Whoopteedoo, Canada's homicide rate was 3 points lower than the United States. Congratulations, not as many people kill each other in your country than it does in ours. But, it still happens, and this is just another case of it.

    I also love the blaming of american culture and media on this. What's next? Danzig?

    P.S. - Neil, the game's your dad was probably trying to remember was "Postal" and "Super Columbine Massacre".
  8. #28

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    R.I.P Anastasia De Sousa


    This loss is enormous, this is the only person yet who died in the montreal shooting at dawson college. She was 18, and it was her first year there. Imagine you just graduate high school, and you start college and 3 weeks later, you wake up in the morning do your regular routine, get a ride to school, and then you never get to go home. Like when i think about it kills me, imagine me doing me regular rountine and my life ending that day. Like it cant imagine it happening, Like she was so young and college was so new and its just not right to end ur life like that. Now i wonder if god really exsists. No one so cruel can do that to some young girl. And from now on im not taking my life for granted, Everything that comes in my life i should respect... It just rly fucking terrible to end your happy life that badly.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you anastasia and im really sorry.
  9. #29

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Just to let you know, I merged the thread you made in here.
  10. #30

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    and another thing! all of guys blaming one of another! SHUT THE FUCK UP! IM SICK OF EVERYONE BLAMING EVERYONE! FUCK, if it was an italian guy, theyd probably blame is on gangsters, if it was an arab they probably blame on terroisim!!! who gives a fuck who the guy was, this bull shit isnt suposed 2 fucking happen! youre not supposed to go to school worrying about your fucking life! Anastasia was fucking 18!! im 18! she probably pictured herself getting married and having kids and havign a house! but look thats not gunna happen anymore is it? why dont u guys stop bitching about this fucking asshole with no life and im so happy hes dead! and start worrying about your life and how your going to start fuckign living it! because some people like anastasia never got a chance to live her life!!! never got a fucking chance!
  11. #31

    Amanda RIP Chester LPA Super VIP

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Fucking thank you.
  12. #32

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    My entire point was that it happens less often here than in the States, so when it happens here, it's more of a surprise since we're not used to it happening. You cannot deny that however much you wish to disagree with it.

    Stuff happens. Events like this do have the potential to happen anywhere, you're right. But potential often gives way to likelihood, of which there is a much lesser chance of a school shooting or murder happening in Canada than in other countries, not just the US. I only used the US for comparison reasons.

    I can turn it around and say an event like these shootings are more likely to happen here in Canada rather than in, say, Netherlands or Belgium. Sure, there's a potential for it to happen anywhere, but the likelihoods change per location, and thus lead to varying assumptions by people all over the world about the chance of events like these happening where they live.

    It's like comparing the chances of terrorism occuring in Switzerland and the US.
  13. #33

    Amanda RIP Chester LPA Super VIP

    Feb 16, 2005
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    But none of that gives you any right to act like the greatest country on the fucking earth, Mark.

    Can't you see why we're upset? America's not so great, I get that. We're a pretty fucked up country. And you seem to have some type of hard on for CONSTANTLY nailing that thought into this forum. We get it, already. You think America sucks and that Canada's the greatest thing since anti-fungal toenail cream. But do you HAVE to go around saying it whenever anything remotely bad happens?

    This is the last post I'll be making in the thread. I don't want to be involved with this debate any longer as it'll only get hostile.

    Good job for being born in your country. Good job for being in a country with a lower killing rate than the US. Congrats.

    Get over yourself. And get over your country.
  14. #34

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    I didn't mean for it to come off that way. If you want to overreact and misinterpret what I'm saying, that's your prerogative and your mistake, at that.

    What I say is the truth, really. Things like that don't happen here nearly as often as other places. We have a right to be shocked it happened here because that's the reality; it's a rarity. And it's not like I'm pruposefully picking on the US or trying to put it down, I'm just saying that when you, an American, are playing down these events from a "shit happens, deal with it" perspective, it's not necessarily representative of the Canadian perspective. Nor should Canadians react how Americans react to these events. I don't know if it's a matter of you being more desensitized to things like this happening in the US, but Canadians have a different way of reacting to events like this because of their infrequency of occurance.

    I notice that on CNN, when reporting the death of a soldier in Iraq, (s)he's often treated as a statistic. When a Canadian soldier dies in Afghanistan, CBC often devotes 30 minutes to tell the story of their life. Before you go and overreact and tell me I'm portraying Americans (or their media) as cold-hearted or bastards, I'm not. My point is that the death of an American soldier is so common that it doesn't come off as big of a surprise as the death of a Canadian soldier. Sure, the potential of them dying is the same, but the frequency of its occurance is what molds our level of surprise. We still grieve the same amount for the fallen soldiers, but how surprised we are is motivated by the frequency of the occurance. Thus why I was very surprised something like this school shooting would happen in Canada; because it's a very rare occurance.

    I have nothing against Americans, but I also happen to think Canada is great. I may not agree with most of the things your government does, but that is not to be miscontrued with how I view the country and their people itself. Do not blend my distaste for the American government with how I feel about America. They are not the same, and I don't like it when words are being put in my mouth, thank you. ;)
  15. #35

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    wow guys....ur pathetic, some1 just died cuz of all this and u guys r fighting about how great ur country is.....

  16. #36

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    And you think somehow by calling people "pathetic" via Internet is going to do anything about it? :blink: As long as there are things that trouble people, people will fight. They will put the blame on others and they will defend what they believe in. People die everyday, high profile tragedy or not. That doesn't mean death is any reason for people's personal politics to be ignored. In fact, death is always a catalyst to other's personal politics. I'd say get used to it because there will always be these types of debates after high profile tragedy. ;)
  17. #37

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    whatever, high profile you have no respect for anything do you? yea ill just accept but bitching about how great canada is..isnt going to change anything either
  18. #38

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    And bitching about this situation isn't going to change anything either. ;)
  19. #39

    The_Rising_Tied Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2006
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    im not the one whose fucking bitching! did u not read my other posts?!? forget it im done here. You guys talk about whatever you want all i kno is that young girl could of been me. Im done with this thread
  20. #40

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Yes, I read your posts and you did come off as "bitching". I understand the whole "that could have been me" thing, but it wasn't you and your coming off way too defensive.

    Try to calm down.

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