For me, these albums are like two different brothers. MTM it's like the lovely brother, the nice boy and THP the angry, the furious and problematic kid. But, seriously, what album it's better? I think that THP has a better cohesion of tracklist, with an idea more clear. But if you listen MTM for first time, you will surprise cause of the transition of two very different songs (given up and loatr)
well , most of M2M is in my opinion a more mellow song followed by a more rockier one (Given Up > LOATR > BIO > SOTD > WID > HHH > NMS) while THP is an album full of "heavy" songs. Also Final Masquerade fits perfectly in the theme of THP. I dont think that both albums are compareable to the other, but they have some special things that make them what they are.
MTM and THP are two extremely different creatures. In terms of musicality and lyricism, that's all Minutes there. In terms of raw aggression and energy, THP is for you. For me, I love MTM more only because I've been with it a whole lot longer than any other LP album (I became a huge fan after it came out), but that's just me, really.
Every LP album is different. Yes even HT and Meteora, for the ppl who say its the same its really not. They may both have the same "story or theme. But imo meteora is more heavier than HT, while HT is more of an experiment. As far as MTM and THP they both have different meanings.
MTM was them evolving and exploring new sounds and possibilities of making music with all sorts of instruments and with all sorts of people. THP is just an angsty album that belongs to a genre that is long dead and whose legacy has been trashed and ruined by the likes of Lorde. Classic and Hard Rock isn't what it was 10 years ago, not in the mainstream. Though I do appreciate every Linkin Park album, I think it was a step back for them because of all the 15 year old LP fans who only listened to Hybrid Theory once and now think they suck because they started using more electronic sounds and doing melodic music with deep lyrics that you can appreciate instead of mindless hard rock songs that you can bob your head to like a retard (looking at you Keys to Kingdom). all in all, THP was their worst and most cliche' album, in my opinion (is not a bad album). but I'd rather listen to the Indie folk/pop songs Mike had planned on doing instead.
LP is a "Rock" band not a Indie/folk band, if you want indie/folk go listen to Mumford & Sons or Noah and the Whale. They are great when it comes to indie/folk
They're pretty different, only comparable in the sense that they have relatively low use of electronic sounds, vocal effects, etc. If THP came out after Meteora and MTM came out after LT, I would be extremely unimpressed with MTM. But since it stands as their first venture outside of Meteora/HT, it's pretty cool that it's as good as it is. It's still my least favorite album, but I appreciate it. THP definitely has great album cohesion, lyrical cohesion (for the most part), and imo some of their coolest instrumental work (GATS mostly, and Rob's drumming). MTM on the other hand has never been an album that I care to listen to all the way through. So that's my opinion on the two.
I dont always agree with you honestly, but THIS! Yeah i know , they dont want to me stuck into a case, but they are ROCK (whatever they do with it).
Yeah, sounds like the typical hard rock hater. Very "open-minded" people too usually. Maybe even more than those 15 year old fans. BTW, as a whole album, I rank THP miles over MTM. But I'd say I prefer "The Little Things" over most of THP, so there's that.
Minutes to Midight is far better than The Hunting Party. To me, almost ever single track on Minutes to Midnight is a stand out track, unlike The Hunting Party where there's only like 3 or 4. Also, the lyrics are so much better than The Hunting Party. It's hard to imagine something like The Hunting Party came after albums like A Thousand Suns and Minutes to Midnight. They really took a step back.
Nahh , i honestly disagree. Sure not all lyrics on THP are perfect and they just fit for sake with the "heavy sound" but i think M2M kinda boring. Sometimes its hard for me to go through LOATR to NMS and from there to TLTGYA, just because there is some lack in my opinion (especially In Between). In Pieces and Valentines Day are typically Poprock songs and fit with LOATR, while THP glows better in my opinion.
Well, as I'm a bit bothered to see the unfamous "step back" thing coming... back, I'll developp my thoughts a bit: First off, I'd love to hear how Rob or Brad took a step back on THP, while they both performed the most complex stuff they ever performed on that very same album. Fair enough, complexity isn't a synonym of quality, but if we look at the mere facts, then THP just can't be a step back, at least on that level. And everyone saying the opposite is simply in denial. Then, if we look at them as an entire experience, I gotta say... I think an album which keeps a consistant style throughout the whole thing is, well, more of a cohesive experience than a record which associate "Given Up" with "In Between". I mean, come on. Also, the deep lyrics thing. Very good, MTM has some "mature" one. But actually, it deals so much with "serious" matters than, sometimes, it almost come off as gimicky to me. Like if the band were trying so hard to prove they were mature adults. Especially the political stuff. In a way, I'd say MTM takes it self too seriously, while THP is just thre having fun. Maybe that doesn't make sense but I'm tired. In terme of creativity and so on... Well, to be short, Keys to The Kingdom alone is a more unique song than the whole of MTM. Then I guess it's 50/50 as both records are somewhat imitations of sounds other bands were already famous for. Really, if we wanna look at it in term of uniqueness, the only unique LP records are Reanimation and ATS. And I'm getting a bit too lazy to continue, but oh well
I like "The Hunting Party" a lot more, personally. I put that album on par with "A Thousand Suns", and I rate "A Thousand Suns" higher than "Midnight". This is all in the track sequencing, and I have no problem with the sequencing on either album. You can have, say, "Burning In The Skies" and "Wretches" on the same album and it'll work, as long as you place them right.
Exactly. MTM could be more cohesive with some interludes or something, or just more tracks, but as it stands it isn't very smooth compared to the following albums.
This is more to do with taste - again, I've always liked the way "Midnight" is sequenced, myself. I understand that some might feel the contrast between songs makes for an uneven experience, and that has a lot to do with how much you like each song; I like every song on that album pretty much equally. Adding to that, the way the album switches up with each song is a kind of consistency to me. "The Hunting Party" is just twelve punches in the face and, again, there's consistency and the tracklisting works. Granted, I've been listening to the band's music for years and years, but I have no problem with any Linkin Park album as far as sequencing ... except "A Thousand Suns", where I feel that, in the context of the album, some of the songs aren't as powerful, sonically, as the interludes that precede them, so the payoff is lacking at times.