'Minutes To Midnight' Leaks

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, May 4, 2007.

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  1. Bryan

    Bryan Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    I just know the bonus tracks are gonna be the best tracks...I just have a hunch..and the little things give you away..wasn't as great as i expected.
  2. Joeykat

    Joeykat Forever watching...

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Dude! Capatilise your 'I's please.

    And how exactly can you compare LP to flipping Westlife :unsure: Westlife are a pile of crap, Linkin Park are not. If you can't grow and mature with the music then shame on you. The band as we now it have matured in so many ways over the four years. If the keep throwing out remakes of Hybrid Theory it would all get samey pretty quickly and then you would be getting annoyed with them. Give them a break. If you listen the lyrical aspect and the instrumental aspect are just a trillion times better than Hybrid Theory.

    And I think you mean 'Rest In Peace' NOT 'Piece'

    Rant over... For now >_<
  3. Xenogenesis

    Xenogenesis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    That; and I'm open to the change of the band's musical influences. I mean I hate bands like Papa Roach, Evanescene and Fall Out Boy but began to like them after listening to them more. Besides that; I have an honour system carried around with me.
  4. Minutess To Midnight

    Minutess To Midnight New Member

    May 1, 2007
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    Ok well, i may not post alot but with all the screwed up comments i just had say what i thought about the album.

    Im around 5 runs through it now, and i loved it! Wake is great song to open a album with. The thing that struck me on the album is that everyone has matured. Some of you are bitching because mike is not raping as much as he did, and han is not involved.

    But i tell you this, i love the way that in the album everyone tried something new. Mike is more focussed on the instrument sides of things, playing guitar is most songs so saying that he is not involved is total bullshit, same goes for han hes there in EVERY song!

    Im not going to bitch saying that if you dont like it your not a true lp fan, ffs if it s not your taste than thats not to do with me its you. I like the way they tried something new , just like metallica did with "St anger" soooo many people bitched it because it was not the old "metallica" the same goes here, LP have grown up and if you dont like fair enough. But being a fan of linkin park since HT, all i can is fair play to LP there tried something new and I feel they pulled it off.


    best song on the album has to be bleed it out ( oOOooomMmMGgGGG soo sexy )

    LP for life!
  5. DisturbedOne98

    DisturbedOne98 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    I've listened to the album a few times already, I'd have to say it's OK, but nothing special. I really like how the album opens with Wake, that song gives me that LP vibe. Given Up kicks in and I can totally get into it like I did Don't Stay. Then the album comes to a complete hault with Leave out all the Rest. This song is growing on me, seems like a solid melodic song albeit not very unique, but I think the pace should have continued with Bleed it Out. Bleed it Out is easily on of my favorite tracks on the CD because it feels like Linkin Park. Shadow of the Day put me to sleep. What is this an R&B album? What I've Done is a great track. The starting really has that classic LP vibe and the bridge of the song is amazing. Hands Held High was pretty good in the own right - reminds me of Kenji from the Fort Minor album but let me get this right... the chorus is Amen, Amen, Amen? That was a terrible chorus. No More Sorrow really has that anthemic vibe which I really like, easily could of followed Wake as an opener, cool track. Valentines Day put me to sleep also, the only thing slightly appealing was near the end, it sounded not too bad. In Between was different, I liked it. It seems like it's still missing something, that's why I don't rate it too high imo. In Pieces was missing something to, but the reason I enjoy it because I love the drum & bass beat they used, thats what I expect from LP. The Little Things Give You Away... The song that has everyone talking. Well I think it truly is a great song. Meaningful lyrics. Something people may remember for years. Classic rock song. Overall I give MTM 7/10 so far. I hope it grows on me and I hope this is LP's "melodic album." It DOES NOT live up to the 4 year wait though. I totally respect them for trying something new, taking such a huge risk. They did not lose me as a fan a single bit.
  6. Diablorojo

    Diablorojo Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2007
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    Oh yeah, Linkin Park matured thats why chester sings this:

    ´´ ive never knew what is like to be alone in a valentines day´´

    :cry: :ermm: :( :sick:
  7. DisturbedOne98

    DisturbedOne98 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    Yeah, really eh? Or "Put me out of my misery!!" That's lame.
  8. Foreshadowed_LP

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Why are the the people giving negative feedback's, telling us to download it now? Just because THEY find it rubbish. Just because you do not find their new, mature sound any good does not establish we will think the same as you.

    I know I'm going to love this album more than Meteora. Not more than HT, but I have a hunch that I will rank this as my 2nd all-time favourite LP album. I enjoy the soft side of LP. Everyone else will disagree there, only because they enjoy the heavy riffs. I agree, maybe a couple of heavy songs needed to be added but who cares? If you have Given Up, WID, No More Sorrow and songs like In Pieces (turns to full-on rock from what I read at the end), Shadow of the Day and The Little Things Give You Away (with it's over-hyped guitar solo) that seems fine for me in relation to the rock aspect of the album.

    But you all have your own opinions so, if you hate the album then that's your choice. But do not push us to listen to it because YOU believe it's rubbish.

    P.S. I also love the way people who claimed they either disliked it or were unsure of it are really liking it a second time around after listening to it more.
  9. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Chester got divorced recently, and I'm willing to bet it was on Valentine's Day when he and Samantha separated.
  10. johlin

    johlin Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    My first impression is: It's a good album, not excellent in any way but it's good. It doesn't sound like LP though except for maybe Given up and this will disappoint many fans. I don't mind too much though, I have a much more varied taste now than what I did when I began listening to LP in the Hybrid Theory days.
  11. DisturbedOne98

    DisturbedOne98 Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2007
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    I don't give a damn if nobody thinks the same as me. As long as I like it, that's all I ask for.
  12. esaul17

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    Agreed. I hate it how people seem to think older, more mature people wouldn't still have a hard time going through times like these. Yes, you get stronger as you mature, but your relationships are also more meaningful so you lose more when you lose them.
  13. Mark

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    What the hell were you guys expecting when Chester said it was "dark, spooky, and melodic", and when the reviews were saying it was ballad-heavy?

    Am I the only one not surprised by this changing of sound? By no means do I think this is a perfect album, but the band has tried something new for the first time in five years (Reanimation) and I appreciate them actually having the balls to revamp their stale sound.

    But for anyone who was expecting this album to consist of any of the same old rap rock, where have you been over the last 2 years when we've been getting information about this album?
  14. Nosferatu

    Nosferatu Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Overall I give it a 7/10

    I knew it'd be a change but to me it was a bit too drastic. I like every song on the CD except In Between and shockingly the final track (that LP raved was their best) is a huge letdown to me.

    The rest of the songs aren't bad and I can tell it's Linkin Park but when I hear this type of music I don't picture "Linkin Park." I have a diverse range of music I like and I think they did a good job but to me it's "not them." By the way I like the ending in "In Pieces." :)
  15. Joeykat

    Joeykat Forever watching...

    Aug 28, 2006
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    Exactly what I have been trying to tell people who have been flaming this album on MSN to me.

    I am not surprised no, because when they said they were going to change their sound I accepted it and I absolutely love this album :p
  16. Andrea

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Haha. I love you. Well said. :)
  17. LP-UK

    LP-UK Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2005
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    I have listened to all the songs.

    The majority of the sounds are good. What disappoints me is that I don't like very song on the album like i did with Hybrid Theory And Meteora :(

    Also that album sounds more like something you would chill out to. To me allot of the sounds are not suited to Live concerts e.g. Download festival...
  18. EagleMorph

    EagleMorph Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2007
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    *raises hand* Not surprised over here.

    I hear echoes of the following influences: U2, Pink Floyd, The Clash, and A Perfect Circle.

    But most important, I hear the rebirth of a band. I think this is the beginning of a long run of socially conscious, musically respected, deep and introspective music from Linkin Park.

    I'll toast to that any day.
  19. Joeykat

    Joeykat Forever watching...

    Aug 28, 2006
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    *Raises Cokey glass to that anyday* :lol:

    I love the way they are heading, I think it will make us open up our eyes to the world around us :)
  20. Nick

    Nick Great Job! LPA Super VIP

    Apr 19, 2005
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    i downloaded it

    yes shame on me BUT i love it so much i am going to buy special edition now instead of normal CD, so it actually helped LP out that im buying a more expensive package hehe
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