"...Guilty" serves as a tantalizing tease for Lincoln Park's upcoming sixth studio album, which promises to set itself apart and perhaps to even include a remake of 2004 hit "Numb feat. Jay-Z". THE HELL?? ITS JAY-Z! Omg they spelt Linkin wrong but anway, that means its either a master troll (which it isnt seeing as LP posted that site to facebook) or the site editor doesn't really care and is just doing their job. Which is post that paragraph for us. There's a reason LP posted that link to facebook to stream GATS when its been on youtube for days now.
While I'm very hesitant to believe they would remake a song, it WAS posted from their own Facebook, lending credibility to it. Even so, if we already have Numb / Encore, why do we need this? In order for the remake to be a success, it needs to be drastically different from the original. It can simply be the same song with a Jay-Z verse pasted in.
Interesting. I dont believe it because of the website, but Jay-Z has always been an option so it wouldnt shock me if it was Jay-Z It wouldnt actually be Numb/Encore remake. Its probably a new collab with Jay-Z if this is hinting at Jay-Z being the collab.
10 year anniversary for Collision Course also, it all lines up. MORE EVIDENCE: Joe just tweeted: after mike tweeting about another artist collab not to long ago. LP and Jay-Z have been in contact in the last few days.
I really, really want a collab with Jay-Z that isn't simply a remake of Numb. Maybe one original, and the Numb remake. That would be perfect.
Same here.. one on one would be fine! Relentlessy fast rapping by Jay-Z over a hard, fast track? Sure!
guys, relax, I was looking the site, I entered in Numb and there was no description. Them I added "HUE" as description Probably the guy that added "Lincoln Park Numb remake" on the description of GATS is a troll