Mike Shinoda - Post Traumatic /// Out Now /// LPA Release Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Stu

    Stu Can't be outmatched or outdone

    Mar 23, 2016
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    If this is music Mike can make consistently then i’m down. This album is good given the circumstances surrounding the album. I’m looking forward to whatever is next
  2. Brawler

    Brawler Well-Known Member

    Feb 17, 2017
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    Promises I Can't Keep is almost a Living Things song
    Lift off reminds me Kenji's vibes
  3. Bennington_Hahn

    Bennington_Hahn This goes out to everybody still hatin' LPA VIP

    Apr 6, 2007
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    Cut to the chase: It's so good.
    I didn't want to be that guy but some of the EP songs didn't impress me much and I was worried that the full album would be a major disappointment.
    How wrong was I!? The music and lyrics are some of Mike's best work. The album only improves on repeated listens. Mike flow and lyrics are even better than The Rising tied. And although I'd probably still say that's the better album (at least musically), this one has every chance to beat it in time.

    Faves: Lift Off, Hold my $#%¢ together, Running from my shadow, IOU.

    I think my only real disappointment was the closer. Some of LPs best closer are either huge epics or acoustic intimate songs. Its neither of those things. An it just seems lackluster especially after the terrific momentum the second half of the album has. But Maybe that's just me,
  4. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    IOU's 2nd verse is so fucking impressive.
    @LP2K12, CannaKippers, Gibs and 2 others like this.
  5. Atticus

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Is it just me or does the main synth beat for Hold It Together sound like a re-pitched melody of piano for In The End? I was humming the track and suddenly started humming In The End and my mind was blown. Either way I'm imagining some pretty epic live mashups/transitions right now.
  6. Qwerty19

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Man, Mike's flow on Lift Off is old school as fuck. Pretty cool.

    The album is solid, and the reviews have been amazingly high so far. About time Shinoda would get some recognition.
  7. MarkLP12

    MarkLP12 Member

    Feb 3, 2017
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    Does anyone know if Mike came up with the sounds/instrumentals or the lyrics first when making these songs? I heard a lot about how LP changed their style on One More Light by writing the lyrics first and I'm curious if Mike kept that process or went back to the old process (sounds first, then layer in the words). Also, I thought he mentioned at one point that the instrumental from one of the songs was a leftover from One More Light, so that might give us a hint.

    I've been busy all weekend and only have been able to listen to the album in full once. The new songs seem different, interesting, and even a little weird, but in a good way. I've tried listening to a couple of the new songs twice each and they both grew on me with each listen. Looking forward to putting the other new songs on replay throughout this week.
  8. minuteforce

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Shinoda hasn't really spoken about this regarding the album. One or two of the songs started out as "One More Light" demos which weren't finished for that album, that's all we really know.
    MarkLP12 likes this.
  9. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Alright my review for the songs now.
    1. A Place to Start - still a fav. It's short but it hits home so well. 9/10
    2. Over Again - This song perfectly captures the confusion Mike went through and it's brutally honest. 9/10
    3. Watching As I Fall - The loud beats and just aggressive nature of this song is what gets me. 7/10
    4. Nothing Makes Sense Anymore - From the two songs that released together, I really enjoyed this more but its a bit bland compared to the rest of the album now. 5/10
    5. About You - Mike's flow, blackbears verse, the ending are all great. 7/10
    6. Brooding - This is a very dark sounding instrumental. Fits with the album really well. 7/10
    7. Promises I Can't Keep - The melody is undeniable. This is a song that could've easily been a Linkin Park track. 7/10
    8. Crossing a Line - I was never fully behind this song like most were when it released. I still ain't. I get its significance and meaning tho. 5/10
    9. Hold It Together - My absolute favorite from the album. There is a certain style to the chorus that we have no heard before from Mike or LP. It's as brutally honest as it is catchy. 10/10
    10. Ghosts - This song was such a good change from the songs that came before it before the album release. It was more upbeat and that's something we needed. Also that video is adorable. 9/10
    11. Make It Up As I Go - This sounds like a modern radio song that it's stupid. If this gets promoted well, it could basically be the "Where's you go" of this album, commercially. 7.5/10
    12. Lift Off - Mike's verse is great. So are MGK and Chino. I like the vibe of the chorus. The atmosphere is great. But it's an OK song overall. 6/10
    13. I.O.U. - The verses are killer. Mike's rapping on this album is his best ever. And this song is proof of that. 7/10
    14. Running from My Shadow - The best flow Mike has had in an official song ever. The song could've been a classic LP song so easily. Grandson is also great in this and that guitar at the end is fantastic. 9/10.
    15. World's On Fire - Such a different vibe from this song. I love the experimental vibe and beats. Definitely a grower. 8/10
    16. Can't Here You Now - I like the music so much in this. This album just shows how great of a producer Mike is and why Chester considered him one of the greatest of the generation. 7.5/10
    The songs on this album are fucking stellar. Yeah, I gave some songs 5/10 but its just because the other songs are just that far superior.
    Also I hope he gets the recognition he deserves for this album. Not just critically but also commercially not that he cares but I do.
    Overall 8/10 for me.

    Chester would be so proud of you, Mike.
    Chris loves LP likes this.
  10. Ben

    Ben Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    I haven't listened to the album cover-to-cover yet, but I have had numerous listens of each song. I really enjoy how diverse sounding the album is overall. No two songs really sound the same or consist of the same "vibe". I really like that. I also think some of these songs have BY FAR the best rapping Mike has ever done. Running From My Shadow, I.O.U, I Can't Hear You Now, and Watching As I Fall are examples that come to mind. Amazing flow and meaningful lyrics. There are a few songs I'm not too fond of (mostly World's On Fire), but aside from One More Light there were always Linkin Park albums that had songs I wasn't too fond of. I do want to say that Mike's singing is so great on some of these songs.

    We all wish this album never had to be made. However, I'm so grateful for Mike for continuing to bring his God-given talent to all of us to enjoy. Given the circumstances, this album is a gift to all of us that I could not possibly cherish more than I already do. I'm sure we all feel that way. Subjective, relevant artistic critiques aside, listening to this album is like taking the first deep breath of air since last July. What it represents is so huge.

    I got my physical CD in the mail yesterday. I've been rocking it all day today. Favorites from the album are Watching As I Fall, Promises I Can't Keep, Running From My Shadow, Ghosts, and Can't Hear You Now. Honorable mention to I.O.U for having some killer verses.

    Mike - can't wait to see what you do next man.
    Bernuviel likes this.
  11. thesungoesdown

    thesungoesdown It's like I'm paranoid..

    Dec 9, 2005
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    After the first few listens, it's probably my favourite LP-related release since A Thousand Suns -- perhaps because it's conceptual just like ATS.

    Very brief track-by-track review using LohithMohan's template:
    1. A Place to Start - this very much feels like an album opener/intro and sets the tone for the rest of the album. 9/10
    2. Over Again - The chorus is very good, but the braggadocios verses just don't work for me and seems out of place as no one is 'doubting' or 'hating' on Mike. 6/10
    3. Watching As I Fall - the lyrics are interesting as it provides insight into the difficult feelings/thoughts Mike was having last year, but the song itself is quite mediocre 5/10
    4. Nothing Makes Sense Anymore - haunting track. it felt like a 'part 2' to mark the graves. this song really resonates if you've ever had existential angst and had to revaluate your life which can be a very dark space to be in. it really takes me back to some hard moments in my own like that i fortunately was able to get out of. i really appreciate this song in so many ways. theres some people going through some dark shit and it makes a world of difference knowing that what you're feeling isn't unusual. 9/10
    5. About You - not a fan of this style of music but i get the appeal ( and blackbear's music) at the same time for others. 4/10
    6. Brooding - awesome instrumental. mike's always been super talented with these type of tracks ( i.e. lockjaw, madison, etc). 9/10
    7. Promises I Can't Keep - brooding into this tune is a nice transition. production is awesome 7/10
    8. Crossing a Line - the chorus is bland and the verses feel sluggish, but man it's a feel good/uplifting track. i think mike used brainwave music in the background which gives the music a calming effect. 7/10
    9. Hold It Together - huge smile across my face when i heard the chorus. fuck do i hear ya Mike. fun and relatable track. defiantly a standout and a potential as a breakout song on radio 10/10
    10. Ghosts - This song doesn't do much for me. in my opinion, it shouldn't have made the final cut to the album. it just felt mediocre 5/10
    11. Make It Up As I Go - really dig this track. i love the chorus and just seeing mike take turns with a vocalist---he's really at his best when a co-vocalis takes over the chorus 9/10
    12. Lift Off - Crazy part is that i got into Deftones the month after Chester passed because i took a break from LP and needed some rock music. i spent the entire winter listened to Deftones so to see him pop up here was just poetic. i'm not as blown away by most people, but i think it's one of those songs that gets better after each listen and will be appreciated more over time. 8/10
    13. I.O.U. - Truthfully, i thought this song was garbage. it feels like a Fort Minor song you would find on a mixtape, not on an album titled post traumatic. it just doesn't fit and i'm not a fan of braggadocios Mike. 2/10
    14. Running from My Shadow - Catchy and high energy song. However, i think this is one of those songs that gets out of the rotation after a few listens. 6/10.
    15. World's On Fire - I love the groove on this song. The production is really top notch here and amplifies everything about this song---well done Mike. Mike's performance on this track is reminiscent to Chester's on "Half Way Right". Gazed out at the clouds last night during the sunset and swayed to this song ---it felt therapeutic ( thanks Mike) 10/10
    16. Can't Hear You Now - Love the chorus and production on this song. Mike really shines on this song on every level--rapping, singing, and producing. My only issue with this song is it's relevance to the "post traumatic" theme and how theres a missed opportunity to maybe say goodbye to Chester here as well. I was anticipating a "letter" to Chester while going through this album and was disappointed it never came, but i suppose the entire album is that. this song may have been better suited to be placed in the middle of the album instead of an album closer. 9/10

    At various points while going through this album i said in my head " this record is fire" and i rarely say that these days. It's not perfect, there are some missteps and i would edit it down to about 12 tracks. Also, it needs a more appropriate album closer to tie up looking for a "Place to Start" with the albums opener. Maybe "crossing a line" would have been better placed here. Also, i think this album is really missing one song that speaks directly to Chester. Otherwise it's a great effort and honestly a much deserved showcase for Mike.

    Final Score: 8/10.
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2018
    minuteforce likes this.
  12. Ben

    Ben Well-Known Member

    Sep 26, 2009
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    I actually completely agree about that song that spoke "directly to Chester". I thought it was very strange that there wasn't one lyrically more similar to Looking For An Answer. Perhaps Mike wasn't experiencing that particular moment of grief during the album process, but I was very surprised about that myself.
  13. Ksandory

    Ksandory Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2017
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    After listening to the album a few times now. Here´s my review:

    Also track-by-track review using LohithMohan's (Thank you!) template:

    1. A Place to Start - Short but great opener. Only 6 points because I wouldn't listen to it without hearing the whole album. (Mike told in one of his interview´s he thought of putting it on OML as opener...) 6/10
    2. Over Again - Really special track, recorded before and after Hollywood Bowl show! Rough and intense lyrics! As I first heard it I had goosebumps all over. 9.5/10
    3. Watching As I Fall - Mad Mike is what I call this one! Love the unique in comparison to the rest of the album. 8/10
    4. Nothing Makes Sense Anymore - This song is really underrated to the rest of the songs that got released before. Great music video! In my opinion the "darkest" song on the album (maybe Mike doesn´t want so much attention to this one) 7/10
    5. About You - One of the "weaker". Mike's rapping is good I like the ending but blackbears apperance is not needed and pretty weak in my opinion. 6/10
    6. Brooding - Great instrumental. Mike always does them well every time. Same as A Place to Start... only 6 points because I wouldn't listen to it without hearing the whole album. 6/10
    7. Promises I Can't Keep - I love Mike's singing voice like he is here! Could be easily on a Linkin Park album as said above and lyrics to sing along! 9/10
    8. Crossing a Line - The beginning of the song does not pick me up but how longer it goes the better it gets. I like this song way more live than on the album tbh! 7/10
    9. Hold It Together - This is also on my top 3 of this album! Really catchy to sing along! I hope there´s a live debut for this one soon! 10/10
    10. Ghosts - This song also stands out a bit from the rest. Really cute video that put a smile on my face the whole releaseday! 8/10
    11. Make It Up As I Go - I like K.flay´s unique voice. Mike rapping good as always. Good collab not more. Yes, radio song. 7/10
    12. Lift Off - I thought as I first heard that MGK "AND" Chino collabs here that this one would be on my top 3. But nope. Little disappointed, but still good. 7/10
    13. I.O.U. - Mad Mike again. But I need to say I like "Watching As I Fall" more. Sorry. 7/10
    14. Running from My Shadow - This flow is one of his best he´s ever did. Almost like his legend track "Remember the Name". The best collab on the album in my opinion with grandson! (They should do more in future!) GUITARRRZ! 9.5/10.
    15. World's On Fire - Again need to say. I love his singing voice! Good song. 8.5/10
    16. Can't Here You Now - YES, singing and rapping! Good beats, good flow. Uplifting. Great way to end this album. 9/10
    It´s a special album. Not just music more about the person Mike and his story the past year. Lyrics and the journey from dark to light. That just deserve´s 10/10.
    Who would imagine after july last year that Mike would drop this one in less than a year...

    I try to rate my top 3 song´s here but that still changes:
    Hold It Together
    Over Again
    Running from My Shadow

    I can´t give this an overall rating it´s to special and specific. But I would be around 8.5-9.5/10
    Thank you Mike, we are all proud of you!
    Bernuviel likes this.
  14. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I personally feel that song was About You. Even though the verses are about his struggle to get himself back out there and express himself, the chorus and possibly even the bridge are speaking directly to Chester. It's him telling Chester about the pain of constantly being reminded he's gone, by every song he writes, even ones that weren't meant to be about him.
  15. Kevin

    Kevin A Pattern To Be Followed. LPA Administrator

    Apr 6, 2012
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    ... 16. Can't HEAR You Now
    Ksandory and Wasabi GOD like this.
  16. Bernuviel

    Bernuviel Active Member

    Apr 3, 2018
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    Here are my two cents on Post Traumatic.
    I'm so grateful that Mike shared this very personal album – his journey out of the darkness – with us.
    It's impressive in what a short amount of time he created so many great songs. They are all so unique and different from one another!
    Also it's probably the most diverse singing & rapping we have ever heard from Mike.
    1. Place To Start – Not really a „complete song“, but a great intro to PT. 7/10
    2. Over Again – Emotional, raw and personal. You can really feel Mike's anger and despair in this one. 9/10
    3. Watching As I Fall – I love the melody & lyrics (especially in the pre-chorus & chorus) and the instrumental bridge. It's impressive how Mike tries to find a new path in the middle of tragedy. 10/10
    4. Nothing Makes Sense Anymore – The imagery used in the lyrics and the video is perfect to describe grief. Definitely an underrated song. 10/10
    5. About You – I don't like Mike's lower pitched voice in the chorus. The rest of the song is pretty cool, especially blackbear's bridge. 6/10
    6. Brooding – It sounds kinda mysterious and eerie to me. Nice instrumental and a great intro to the following song. 7/10
    7. Promises I Can't Keep – I love the melody, the lyrics and Mike's singing here. Like many people mentioned already, it feels the most like a Linkin Park song. 10/10
    8. Crossing A Line – I loved this song from the moment Mike started teasing it. It's the perfect turning point since things are starting to get more hopeful. 9/10
    9. Hold It Together – This song is weird – in the best way possible! The melody is so unique and Mike's singing is awesome! It's strangely uplifting despite the rather depressing lyrics. 8/10
    10. Ghosts – I think this song is beautiful. And I love the sock puppet video! At first I was skeptical of it, but it turned out quite cool. And Mike deserves to have fun! 9/10
    11. Make It Up As I Go – K.Flay has a really special voice that not everybody likes, but I think it fits perfectly. It's actually my favourite collab on the album. The song feels a bit “mainstream” compared to the rest and I can totally see this playing on the radio. 8/10
    12. Lift Off – Very calming track, perfect for daydreaming. There are some clever lines full of pop culture references. 7/10
    13. I.O.U. - By far my least favourite track on the album, just because I don't like “battle rap”. The lines are very clever though and I love the Fort Minor reference. 5/10
    14. Running from My Shadow – Great, heavy song with a catchy refrain. Grandson's bridge is kinda weird/intimidating though. Looks like Mike really enjoys this one live! 8/10
    15. World's On Fire – Kinda calming and uplifting. Also I love that he dedicated a song to Anna/his family & friends. 7/10
    16. Can't Hear You Now – Mike/LP have always been great with final tracks and this one is no exception. I love that PT ends on an optimistic note: Some days are still difficult, but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. 9/10
    My Top 3 Songs (at the moment xD):
    Watching As I Fall
    Promises I Can't Keep
    Nothing Makes Sense Anymore

    Overall rating: 8/10
    Ksandory likes this.
  17. 101nemesis

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Hahaha. I just copied someone else list. So I didn't spell check.
    Ksandory and Kevin like this.
  18. Ksandory

    Ksandory Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2017
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    Well, that went quite far... :D
  19. Benny_

    Benny_ Active Member

    Nov 25, 2017
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    To knock this album out in less than a year with these lyrics is genius. ...
  20. zayl

    zayl Friendly neighbor revenge seeking vigilante

    Sep 6, 2010
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    There are songs that definitely make me think I already know them, or parts of them - like the outro of Hold it Together brings this association of ITE or Promisses I Can't Keep is like a variant of the Little Things Give You Away sung by Mike.

    I'm not saying they are unoriginal or something - it's just the thing that you can still find more LP than FM on this album and taking into consideration the reason behind this record - it's pretty understandable.
    Ksandory likes this.

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