I'm a mashup artist. I'm not just screwing around. When you load a file up in a project and start lining it up with your metronome only to find that it skips and is therefore unusable, that's really frustrating.
You probably have some of the fanmade instrumentals that were on AliHassanJ's Youtube channel a while back, which were better than most but still far from perfect. Trust me, no official Meteora instrumentals were out AT ALL before this CD leaked, with the exception of about 2 minutes of Breaking the Habit (which came from the Breaking the Habit DVD menu), and stuff that was pieced together from Guitar Hero/Rock Band stems.
One version of From the Inside was more effected on the scratches like in the song (I listened, and it was definitely correct), and the other one had the intro scratch (I believe) resampled over and over. I could have sworn I YT-to-MP3'ed the Carnivores Arise videos, and that's where the bad From the Inside popped up, because I know I didn't have the higher-quality ones (that didn't come from the channel) until after I made my cover of From the Inside (because it was then that I listened to the full song and noticed the inconsistencies). Hit the Floor was off too, I remember that. I'll have to look into it and come back to this. All the Meteora instrumentals I got came after I got word of these instrumentals getting out. I didn't even know these promo instrumentals existed until I saw this thread.