Not sure if everyone is already aware of this but the official Meteora Instrumentals are now up on Youtube:
The story is (I guess) someone got their hands on a promo CD from 2003 containing instrumentals of the entire album.
Holy fuck. I can finally listen to "Don't Stay" without all those shitty lyrics! Hell, I'm actually excited. *plays* EDIT: FLAC's? PLEASE?
I love this! Fuck, I just realized how I still love this album to this day. I'll probably make a playlist of this mixed with the other Meteora demos we got from LPU, just to recapture at best the atmosphere of this era.
I haven't managed to find FLACs of these anywhere. I'm guessing somehow the CD fell into the hands of a n00b fan who doesn't understand what a bitrate is and just ripped it at regular settings, or maybe posted it to youtube and all we've got is a crappy YouTube rip.
Gotta love assumptions...did you ever stop to think that maybe the one person in the world capable of sharing this with the community knew exactly what they had and exactly what they was doing, and purposely chose not to share it in lossless format?
I find this really odd. I have some versions of the instrumentals that are really high quality. But they differ from the ones on that channel, most noticeably on From the Inside, where one has less scratching. But when comparing them to the album versions, mine sound more correct (in the YouTube video one of FtI, the bridge scratch is the same as the one in the intro, but it's definitely different in the actual song).
No, because I like to think the best of people, and to make such a decision consciously on purpose would imply that the person in question was a complete asshole and a worthless human being who deserves to die and have all of their stuff confiscated and searched to make sure they aren't concealing any other crap to troll the world with. (OK, not really, but that still would have been a really nasty thing to do) But I'm pretty sure they weren't, because not only is the quality bad, but the mp3s I've got skip as well. "Easier to Run" actually skips at 0:27. This implies it's someone who either didn't have a good quality CD in the first place or else had no idea what they were doing. Could you share whatever you've got please?
Kinda weird this didn't get leaked until last November. I have a feeling some noob had it lying around his basement and then decided to try and sell it then realized nobody leaked it yet. I'm just waiting for the ATS instrumentals and acapellas to pop up someday. EDIT: old link in this thread doesent work anymore. Here is a new link