That's awesome, Nicole. I met Lebron James and Ricky Davis of the Cleveland Cavaliers when they were here for a preseason game (which got cancelled due to floor condensation, by the way ) and go James' autograph. They were huge. Davis was really full of himself, though. No autographs, he just ran to the dressing room without shaking anyone's hand or signing autographs.
LOL I just met that guy from popular machanics for kids to day at my work lol my friend told me to get his autograph but I said something not so nice back to my friend about the young actor lol B) Oh Rightt.
I forgot to mention this but I've been kissed by Saddam when I was like 3 years old :chemist: He then gave my dad a free land.
I forgot to mention that I've gotten autographs from a few CART drivers: Michael Andretti, Alex Tagliani, and another name that I can't read.
I met.. Kelly Osbourne, and that was ok i guess.. i dont like her too much. I sortve met LP on 1-29-04.. they were finishing the show and chester gave me a hug and mike shook my hand.. but i guess thats not really met, eh? I forgot who else ive met.. ahhh. WOOT!
Please don't double post. As for me, I think I've never talked to someone famous, but I've been like 2 tables away from Patrick Roy at a restaurant. That's about it .
hmm lets think. i met all the alpine ski racers... one of them is really awesome his name is jure kosocrik or something like that. he loves lp. he signed my cap for me. it says "im a linkin park fan!" and his signature. you'd like him if you meet him. i met the bode guy from usa. bode miller, i think. hes cool. yeah so i dont remember the other names. i dont really care.
I forgot one other thing, one of my uncle's works with Rich Beddoe's(Finger Eleven drummer) brother.... oh yea, im cool B) oh, and one more, one of my sister's supply teacher's is a sister-in-law of Fred Durst.... i heard that she was a mean supply teacher though....
I met Reese Witherspoon once. She was filming where I live (she was filming Vanity Fair) and she was signing autographs and we had a chat. she was really nice.
the local underground band members... they're always there at the record store which i once served... nobody famous in particular though... just the gooddamn, same old people everyday...
the closest i am to a famous person is that my aunts neighbor is vin deisel and my brothers best friends uncle is red from that 70s show. oh, another one of my aunts saw pink at fry's electronics place with her boyfriend. that one biker guy i think. and her husbands nephew was in britney spear's crazy music video. he was in the background or something.