Generally it's about 2-4 different kinds of shirts-hoodie or two ($30-40), a poster of your show ($30), LPUX CD maaaaybe? ($5-10?), A Thousand Suns, tour book ($20-30?) Just to give you an idea. Maybe one of our members in Australia can give you a better idea, but anything could change between AUS and the NA tour. --RS
At sydney there were 4 or so shirts @$45, hoodies @$100 i think, posters for $30, button sets for $20, blank CD-R's to download the show for $10, the official tour booklet thing which is full of pictures for $25 and i think there was some other stuff too.
i got the booklet, a shirt and a blank cd. pretty stoked on the setlist from the night i went so I cant wait to download the show
For the cd-r's, do they give you a code to download later? or how does this work? I thought that you could just buy the download online later if you chose to.
Yeah, the CD-R comes with a code so you can download a show for free. The CD-R itself costs $10, and to download without one costs $9.99 off so I don't see why anyone wouldn't buy the CD, because hey, it's an LP CD for one cent
well the NA tour gives everyone a free download of their concert. dunno how it works because i don't see a code on my ticket. anyhow, then it'd be perhaps worth it to not buy a cd-r? but i probably will...i want my live cd to look good
That's pretty cool that the american tour gets a free download. They didn't do that here in oz, so buying the CD-R made sense to me. Even if I did get it for free I'd think about buying the cd and download another performance lol. I like those kind of merchy things
Cool. I hope its free but would still be willing to pay the $10. The Salt Lake show says: "A digital download of the show will be available to all ticket-holders. Additional information will be provided in the arena during the event." But doesn't say if its free or not, so we'll see.
The video they did for the NA World Tour said it [the audio download] comes with the ticket purchase. [video=youtube;wRaJzOGnuo4][/video]
and that of course is through, I don't believe it will be added to those whom purchased tickets through ticketmaster. Hence why they are selling blank CD-R's at the show with a code. I also wanted to mention to keep an eye out, if they have them or not, for the collectible artwork posters. They don't make to many of them, there were only 100 of them at the Best Buy Show and they had them for the first time I went to MSG in 08' but I made the mistake of not getting one. There about $30-35 and make a great wall piece after being framed. --RS
jesus christ, the merch is expensive. i think i'm better off wearing a white tea and using a sharpie to write LP on it.