Mental health during the pandemic: 1 year on

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Dorothy Perks, Aug 23, 2021.

  1. #1
    Dorothy Perks

    Dorothy Perks Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    The early stages of the pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns were hard on all of us, in different ways. Isolation, joblessness, childcare, and many other challenges severely affected the mental well-being of many people around the world. Yet here we are, a year on. How are we coping?
  2. #2

    Jasmine Member

    Jul 5, 2018
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    I'm in Australia and currently in a situation of lockdown. it sucks to be honest cause it's very isolating and my family aren't really helping with the whole 'mental health' thing lol. It's challenging, especially when I'm in my last year of high school and literally EVERYTHING about it is kinda up in the air at the moment. I might not get a graduation, or formal, or even a proper exam to sit to test my abilities. I'll be an estimate. Which feels really disappointing especially after working my a$$ off for the past 6 years :/
    But thank you for checking in with everyone it's really kind :)
  3. #3
    Dorothy Perks

    Dorothy Perks Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Thank you & I appreciate your compliment.

    This year is really disappointing, ngl. I hope this will get fixed soon.
    astatine likes this.
  4. #4

    astatine Active Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    The government will do anything just to end this pandemic and return back the old society.
  5. #5

    Jasmine Member

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Not our government in Australia sadly. their main key is "get the vaccine or no one is leaving lockdown"... I mean America is not in lockdown and their cases are THOUSANDS more then the cases in Australia so I don't get why we're being punished for the cases we have??? like shouldn't the vaccine be a choice?
    And our stupid prime minister keeps calling covid a "race" and a "competition". like sorry we aren't competing in the olympics over here we are in a pandemic :hmm:
  6. #6
    Dorothy Perks

    Dorothy Perks Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    In a country with a government that only loves to promise but doesn't do the act. There is no faith.
  7. #7
    Dorothy Perks

    Dorothy Perks Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2017
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    It depends on the government. I don't have any ideas about the president of your country but I think he/she is just protecting his country and having low cases is a good thing.
  8. #8

    Reflectionist Excuse me while I kiss the sky.

    Nov 17, 2007
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    I live in a small, conservative town in Missouri, USA.

    I was born with a condition called VACTERL. (Relevant, V, A, T/E, MOSTLY R.)

    I had thirty two major surgeries on vital organs in my torso... before I had even turned 18. Chronic renal insufficiency secondary to uropathy obstruction, kidney reflux disease, kidney stones that had to be surgically removed, bladder augmentation, countless painful tests, end stage renal disease, dialysis. Once, I was woken from a dead sleep in an MRI machine because the nurse didn't take my earring out. I've died in real life more than I've died playing "The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker".

    I wasn't expected to live through my first night. Or to Pre-school, or to kindergarten, or to third grade, or to middle school, or to high school, or to college, or to adulthood at all. And as of TODAY, I've now had my renal transplant for sixteen years. Most people know that transplant patients take "anti-rejection" medication. How does that work? By destroying my immune system so that it can't fight the foreign genetic tissue in the organ that's keeping me alive.

    I've been a high-risk immune compromised transplant patient for sixteen years. People have accused me of sitting on my ass, of being a lazy piece of shit, my wife left me for being an 'anti-social homebody', I have ground my teeth to shards in my sleep and have had to have them surgically removed, too. But I figure, you know what? Maybe I am wrong, maybe I could be doing more. And what a time, because there's a pandemic going on, so EVERYBODY will be wearing masks, I won't be the only person wearing them. So I took some responsibility for my life, for my choices, for my own ass...

    And I went out and got a job. My first job, in fact. At thirty-three years old. And I've had it for over a year now, I'm fucking GOOD at my job. I work as a cashier in a grocery store, and I'm a drummer so I'm fast as fuck boi, I have legitimate job security. I'm truly blessed.

    But then

    "Daddy, that guy's wearing a mask! Do we have to wear one!?"

    "No, son. That guy's wearing a mask because his job is making him wear one. But we don't have to, we're normal people, everybody knows the Rona only gets you if you're old or disabled or have a bad immune system... but those people are all sitting on their asses at home looking for a hand-out, and they need to be culled from society."

    "I shouldn't have to wear a mask, I have rights! Look, if you're weak enough that you'll die of COVID, then you probably deserve to die. It's Natural Selection."

    "Oh, look at this guy, what a pussy! The store doesn't make ya'll wear masks anymore and yet, this guy right here is living in fear! THE GODDAMN CORONAVIRUS AIN'T REAL, BUDDY. GET OVER YOURSELF!"

    "You know, it's all Joe Biden's fault. Everybody knows, all of this would go away if we were allowed to shoot democrats and disabled people on sight."

    I mean, holy shit. We have a Wal-Mart in this town - earlier this year they switched most of their human checkers to self-checkout machines and required people wear masks while in the store. So we got all of their boycott dipshits funneling in directly to me.

    And not one person has said, "You know, Jake? I'm so sorry I judged you for doing the masks, germ-x, social distancing thing for the last sixteen years. You were right, this isn't nearly as fun as we've all been accusing you of this entire time. How do you do it? You've been doing this for sixteen years and you've listened to us all bitch and moan and whine and cry because we can't do it for thirty minutes inside of a goddamn grocery store, How do you do it? You make it look so easy."

    "Well, it's not that hard, at least you guys get to have an immune system while you're doing it."

    And if I quit my job, I'm a lazy piece of shit who doesn't want to work. But my boss won't give me more hours, because she doesn't want to kill me, and nobody is going to help me pay for my rent or anything.

    I feel completely fucked.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2021
  9. #9

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    My head has sucked throughout this whole thing. After four months not being able to get into my career field and out of fast food last fall, things collapsed for me. I have some hopeful prospects that I'm really betting on but idk what I'm going to do if that doesn't pan out.

    Sometimes this whole makes me regret going to college or pursuing my passions over something that would be reliable for income and in-demand.

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