Hey guys, I'm gonna be going to the Honda Civic Tour in Vancouver, BC on Sept 4 and I wanna participate in the Meet & Greet, however I've learned you have to be apart of the LPU to do so. With that said, with my copy of LIVING THINGS that I purchased today, there's a one month free trial for the LPU inside. Is there any way I can use that to get me in the Meet & Greet? Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks.
http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36629 ^extra info on meet & greet stuffage. I'm also curious with the same issue.
From the LPU post talking about trials: This is probably out of fairness to paid members, because you would be competing with them for spots.
No, sadly it will not be eligible for Meet and Greet passes since your subscription is only a "trial" and not a paid membership.
Thanks for the clarification guys. I'll probably end up purchasing an LPU membership anyways, but this was really helpful.