Turned on my vpn on my iPhone but still not able to get the website to work. I guess I'll get setlist updates from you guys.
New Roads Untraveled intro is siiiiiiiiiick EDIT: Talking to Myself full band debut! The song sounds pretty cool. It could be because it was a live version of the song, but this one sounded a lot more alternative/rock than pop imo. Not that I really care since a good song is a good song regardless of the genre, I only mention that insight because OML's genre seems to be a big topic among fans here. Nonetheless, a super rad and catchy track!
I'm using Hola extension (on Google Chrome) to watch it: http://vorterix.com/maximus/ but you can also download their app (vorterix) and watch it without needing an VPN.
So much temptation but I want to hear the studio version of talking to myself first. Replace SIB with WFTE and that's a pretty solid set list. THP and ATS got shafted but I get the feeling they'll be changing the set list up quite a bit this entire tour.
Posted it in the shoutbox but thought it'd be interesting to put here as well: anyone else notice how the first 11 songs only contained one song from the first 3 albums (One Step Closer), and the other 11 only contained one song (Heavy) not from the first three albums? It's like they jammed everything released in the last decade (bar Heavy) into the first half of the set, then went full-nostalgia on the first three albums for the second half.
Good show. I'm very impressed with Talking to Myself, I like it a lot more than any of the other songs released so far. Obviously we will never be 100% satisfied with their setlists, and unfortunately with a 7th album now, we've reached the point in which 95% of their live show will consist of singles. Now, if I had to make changes to the current set (without being one of those idiots that like to post their top 22 LP songs including b-sides or stuff we know they'll never play again), I would suggest two realistic changes: -Get rid of the Castle of Glass mix and replace it with Final Masquerade (if they want something mellow) or one high energy song (APFMH, No More Sorrow or Wretches and Kings) -If they are only going to play ONE freakin' song from THP (my favorite album), I'd be happy with GATS, Rebellion or ALITS instead of Wastelands.
Warning about the above link: The first 2 and a half minutes are silent, which means you miss the Roads Untraveled intro and part of The Catalyst.
Talking To Myself has a real OneRepublic feel to me. I'm sure if Ryan Tedder had contributed we would know by now, but I wonder if they wrote TTM with someone who has worked with Ryan before.