So does this work for anyone else or is it just fucked for me?
This is the closest we'll get to a DSP. I'm crossing my fingers, hoping they sound as great as they did last week.
this just made my antivirus flip shit Seems to be working here. Sound is awful, though. edit: just noticed it says 2010 at the bottom of the screen... so much for "live"
this rock in rio link is just to Portugal people. But i don't get why is this working here in Brazil. Here, found the Rock in Rio USA official youtube. Streaming Live stream of tonight's show from that channel:
pretty sure that this show will be awesome after seeing some parts of the first live shows! thanks for placing a countdown link this time, it is very appreciated since it does save some of us who are not so good with time zones some minutes will be enjoying pretty much the whole show except when they start playing Wastelands than im intending to put the stream on mute, since im trying not to listen to anything more from THP except GALTS and UIG
I feel like they wont premier a 4th song before the album comes out but who knows! I would love if they did I guess so Bring your best Afro to the party tomorrow
That's so weird considering it works in the UK. Seems that most of the "official" channels are regional for some reason.
Maybe they could premiere something short like War or The Summoning as a tease? Doesn't matter if they don't. I'm just happy we'll get a pro shot of the amazing new setlist. RAP MEDLEY PRO SHOT YEAH!
So I'm really hoping that they do the set they did for their previous show now that there are high quality cameras streaming it. I wanna see that What I've done guitar solo in HD!
Looking forward to Wastelands, Guilty All The Same, Until It's Gone, and The Rap Melody. It's going to be awesome man!