its-was-so-funny-there-was-this-shy-girl-from-the-audeince-and-then-micheal-mcdonald-was-playing-this-happy-therapy-man-and-he-called-her-up-and-then-he-asked-her-whats-the-last-bad-thing-you-have-done? and-the-girl-said-nothing-i-wanna-say-on-tv-then-micheal-said-whisper-it-in-my-ear-andhe-leaned-over-and-the-girl-still-didnt-say-anything-and-then-micheal-said-oh-so-you-were-a-prostitute?!
Hit your keyboard REALLY hard. Whenever anything doens't work with my computer or anything for that matter i just hit it hard or lighitly depends on what it is and its all good after that. Try slamming your fist into the space bar
rubex? is that what they were called? for the baby tees, i think they were maybe 2000? maybe another 0? i dunno. i remember it was a big #. and yes, please please please get a new keyboard! all with the - everywhere! it's mad, mad i tell you!