Tonight is the Linkin Park concert here in St. Louis, it starts at 8 (about 3 hours) and I was wondering who (if anyone) here is going tonight? Or went, if it's after the show when your reading it. I'll post back later with a reveiw of it I'm hella exited, this is my first LP concert ever. Edit: Just got home. Blindside was awesome as hell. They played about 10 songs and then the set up for LP. Joe came out by himself and played, what I think, is Foreward, then the rest of the group came out and busted out with Don't Stay. It was great. I was the only person who knew the lyrics, lol. Here's a list of what they played Foreword Don't Stay Somewhere I Belong Lying From You Papercut Points Of Authority Runaway Faint From The Inside Hit The Floor Wth>You Crawling In The End Then they walked off stage. Everyone started chanting Linkin Park, then they came back out and played Easier To Run A Place For My Head 1 Stp Klosr (John Davis Mix) Oh man it was great, I screamed my head off and now I can barely talk, lol.