Today, Linkin Park's production manager, Jim Digby, stopped by the LPU chat to answer questions and talk about the Honda Civic Tour which is right around the corner. View a recap of the chat below: - Jim opens the chat with Adam of LPU. - A normal day starts about 7am where they proceed to build the show. - He is the production manager and takes care of everything that is required in building the show. Mainly the equipment for the show and stage. - Missy is the mystery hard-hat owner. - Linkin Park will tour Russia next year. - The show is brand new, will look great and sound great. - The ominous Pooch makes an appearance in awesome fashion. - It's usually a 20 hour work day with only a couple hours sleep. - New stage that is going to be amazing and the band will see it for the first time tonight. - He is from Pennsylvania. - Not sharing details on the setlist as it should be a surprise. - The new set has been built with the fans in mind. It also has a few surprises for fans that Linkin Park haven't utilized on tour before. - The set will contain video. - Megumi makes an appearance. - Lonnie makes an appearance. - He thinks LIVING THINGS is LP's best work. His favourite track is CASTLE OF GLASS. - They like to make up funny lyrics to Linkin Park songs. - Chef Grey brings in amazing salad. Beets, goat cheese, candied walnuts... yeah. Megumi gets kewpie mayonnaise. - He's worked for Linkin Park for 11 years. - He likes bacon only if it's crispy. Jim doesn't like sushi bacon. - Tour compromises of 5 buses and 12 tractor trailers. - More European Tour info may be coming in the next couple months. They don't know anything for certain yet. - Apparently a new LPTV is coming today. - Pyro for the tour is a surprise and he won't confirm if they have it or not. - Bill Boyd makes an appearance. He is the band's creative director and works with Joe Hahn to create all the visuals and content we see. - He shows off the new tour laminate for the Honda Civic Tour. - The band rehearses tonight as we know, with a select LPU audience. It was a good chat to get a perspective on the tour from the Production side. He also confirmed a new LPTV should be arriving today, so keep your eyes out for that. Source: Linkin Park Underground
I should have posted something about Adam's LPU chat last time. Sorry. Will do so in the future. And he didn't know about the KETCHUP
I always thought that pyros will work great in Linkin Park's concert, I hope they will use some eye-candy fireworks.
He said he doesn't know about LP's touring plans for 2013 except they will be having a tour. Also, he said some new information about 2012-2013 tour will emerge in coming month.
Could the new LPTV be Making Of The LITE Video? Making of BID video was released before the BID video, I think...
Does this mean like when they played ''The Radiance'' and played the video of J. Robert Oppenheimer speaking in the background?
Yep, or like how in the Billboard performance, they played clips from the BID video clip (Dude on fire, that kind of thing)