"ATTACK MIKE'S BLOG rofl" = Your exact words on the LPLive forums (before you conveniently deleted your own post). You should've known that with the number of followers you have, people would listen to you. And this thread is not going to turn into a bitchfest, so this argument ends here or I'll close it.
Well, I'm fucking laughing, so who cares? It's not a real album, lighten up people. Well, other forums need to lighten up anyway.
I don't feel comfortable with someone like LPA Staff getting the final word when it's derogatory. I don't like how you say I deleted a post, because I haven't ever deleted one of my own posts on LPLive, and that's the 100% honest truth. I mean you guys can believe me if you want, but for gods sake please stop attacking me and my website. I never even posted on LPA about the CD, and I get someone on Facebook of all places sending me a message asking why I led a crusade against Mike. Now if that isn't something odd to wake up to, I don't know what is. If you must know what my comment was about, I was replying to someone's post that said "We should hammer Mike's blogs with our opinions on this CD" and I was saying that sort of a quote/statement combo, both quoting what he said and sort of also saying attack his blog. I never specified what to say, I mean I didn't lead any crusade and I don't see how you can take it that way, but if the oh glorious members of LPAssciation.com want to think I'm an absolute demon/devil worshiper/person who leads crusades against Mike Shinoda, one of my favorite artists, then I guess go ahead since I can't do anything about it, but I'm just saying you have the wrong thoughts of my intentions in my opinion. I mean I don't attack other people I don't know on websites, and for what I tried to help LPA with a few years ago, I still consider them/you a great website, but it's just plain offensive and disheartening to see posts like this on here. And that is all.
Agreed. I feel so bad for Mike and the rest of the band right now. There's no need for such animosity over something like this. I can understand the complaining but the complaining has upgraded to personally attacking the band. It makes us fans look bad, in my opinion.
It's not like Mike fucked 'us' over, but he knew we wanted something better than live tracks. He knew we wanted some b-sides, demo's, Mike rapping on MTM songs etc. I'm not even in the LPU so what am I doing here Just wanted to let some know that I understand the complaining.
I think these are better than B-Sides. Hell, if they didnt make the album, theres a reason behind it and I would rather hear songs that were made like this on purpose than terrible songs they planned on making good
I don't think you should post that reply here. That is for the LPU only in my opinion. I am not allowing it on LPLive. My reply to that post is on the LPU if any of you want to see it.
Sure. I wasn't trying to impede on the LPA Staff at all. I was just saying that Mike's intent of putting it the LPU was the fact that it was aimed at LPU'ers only, not the public. He would have posted it on his blog for the public, otherwise. That is why I said that. Sorry if you feel like I was trying to impose something. I just felt that it should stay where Mike (the artist) intended it.
It says he didnt want it on the blog because that was for his personal stuff, not because he didnt want the public to see it, so it seems fine to me.
What I don't understand is for YEARS people wanted this kind of stuff. People wanted to see what the band does behind the camera and we wanted more things like The Wizard Song. Well now we got what we asked for an people still complain. Maybe it's because it was just on the LPU and maybe they should have just released it out of random, but I think it's fine. People wants B-Sides and other things of that nature, but some fail to realize that there really aren't any B-Sides that the band kept.
Incorrect. There are at least 4 known, fully mastered, mixed, and ready to go b-sides from Minutes To Midnight. One is the last song they did strings for (the 6th one). Who knows what else they have, if anything at all, but we know those tracks are done at least.
Ya Rly. I also meant to throw a maybe into my last post. I wasn't trying to state a fact that there aren't any B-Sides. I typo'ed.
this whole situation is beyond ridiculous now.. -dont like the CD? listen to something else then.. [theres some 'grey area' in between these two statments but at the end of the day whats done is done, you've just got to suck it up and take it for what it is] -like the CD? good. its as simple as that.. thats the way i look at it anyhow
All I'm going to say is that I love the CD and the songs are really catchy. Does anyone else find Bubbles as addictive as me?