Holy fucking shit. All I have to say is. MAH BRAAYNE HERTZ! Brilliant job. Still waiting on that Wizard Song completion though. Greatest. Thing. Ever. I actually don't think I've ever geniunely laughed out loud at an official music production. 26 Lettaz In Da Alphabet is GOLD.
Most people here know that I love LP and I defend them to the bitter end whenever I see/hear them being trashed by people, but I think people who are pissed off at this are perfectly entitled to be. I've said already that it's been blown out of proportion and to an extent I agree that Mike shouldn't have had to apologise for it but I also think that the LPU really has been ripped off this year. I didn't expect B-sides or unreleased tracks (to be honest I don't think that will ever happen while LP are signed to Warner) but it would have been nice to get something that didn't sound like it took an hour or two to make. I personally don't even find the CD funny. I laugh at LPTV and the Frat Party DVD because I'm watching the band joke around...I'm not gonna put on the DVD and close my eyes and just listen to it now am I.
THANK YOU! I cannot agree more with what you stated. This CD truly is a slap in the face. "Blah, blah, be grateful we got anything at all, blah blah". I applaud them for living up to their promise of a very unique CD, but am embarassed to be listening to them. I am constantly taking the defensive side for LP against my friends who can not pick a REAL reason to hate them other than MTM, was in their words "The clapping CD". I'll still probably get the membership again, but this CD will never be played, it'll sit in the rest of the collection still wrapped. I didn't need a quick demo like QWERTY, or b-sides or live tracks, but I would have appreciated an LPU CD that could be played outside of my own home. EDIT: on a lighter note, and kind of off topic, I am enjoying the LOATR remix
The beat of 26 Lettaz is terribly addictive. Honestly, I was shocked and a bit disappointed at first, but now I realize just how epic this CD is. It's hillarious. I feel really bad for Mike though, getting hit continuously like this now that we can present our opinion directly to him on his blog. It's unfortunate.
Yup, posted about this in the news thread: http://www.lpassociation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24532&page=204
Man, I don't see where all the hate for this CD comes from. Are you embarrassed for your reputation? Not going to play it outside your house? Lame. Seriously. I am TOTALLY bumping this in my car today. EDIT: And people are never satisfied it seems. The year that they finally have NO live tracks and all completely original material like we've wanted for years, guess what? Fans complain.
I'm guessing when they wanted original material they wanted LP's usual music. Not just extremely random, short and "unserious" songs. *Shrugs* The CD has no effect on me anyway, if people don't like it then just don't sign up for the LPU in protest or whatever. You can't really complain because the band doesn't have to do anything for you. I've seen "fanclubs" where people get a shirt when they sign up and that's it.
The thing is that they've done songs like this all the time, just the band has never released them. When The Wizard Song came out, a lot of people demanded a full version of the song, and a lot of people also wanted the band to release the things they've done while they were messing around. Well now they actually released some of these tracks they do for fun that soooo many people wanted, and they still complain. Hypocrites. When we asked about said songs, the band (mainly Mike) has told us "they suck, and we don't want to release them". Well, he wasn't lieing. These songs do suck, but in an awesome kind of way.
My only complaint about the album: it's not long enough! But seriously, I can understand why people are mad. They want actual Linkin Park songs. But here's the problem with that: everyone wants brand new stuff or B-sides. Well, what if the B-sides just aren't good quality? Then everyone complains. And what about the new stuff... do you really expect the band to spend a ton of money to record some new songs? It wouldn't be financially responsible. And why not have them focus their time on creating a brand new album, like everyone really wants? I'll take this CD any day over live tracks or re-released stuff. But I can see why some people are mad... but again, at the same time, anyone who thinks this is a "slap in the face" is just being silly. If you don't like it, don't sign up.
OMG!!! WHY AM I ALWAYS THE LAST TO KNOW ABOUT ALL THIS STUFF!? XD Where are ya'll getting your info from!? Though from what I've heard the CD sounds awesomely unquie - NOTHING at all what I was expecting XD I can't wait to hear this... *Searches for a torrent*
I love it. I think its ridiculous that Mike had to issue an apology to anyone. Its like forcing Van Gogh to apologize for painting some of his art work. They had an artistic vision and ran with it. Love it or hate it, its what LP gave us, and we can either take it or leave it. Its as simple as if you don't like it, then don't end up renewing your lpu membership, or just go to the online only option.