That has already been discussed, and has nothing to do with LPU8. The Leave Out All The Rest single import for Japan.
you've gotta be a genius to record a cd like that! i love teh creativity of the band xD xD xD seriously, i think it was a great idea to release something like that! if only the songs were a bit longer...i'd love to hear a 3 minutes version of You Ain't Gotsa Gotsa
Why would you think for even one second that the LPU8 CD is any indication of what the next album will sound like? The band has already explained that it's nothing more than a bunch of joke songs that they recorded when they didn't feel like being serious.
Well the whole "Why would you think for even one second that the LPU8 CD is any indication of what the next album will sound like?" bit seemed a little holier than thou to me, and it just seems like a single incident out of many. I mean, props to the guy for knowing stuff and having a lot of LP knowledge, but I've seen him just act all high and mighty with this info. I guess astat will rebutt this and many of the forum guys will try to defend to him, but it will still remain my opinion.
*sigh* Once again... this thread is for discussion regarding the LPU8 CD. Please stay on topic. Thank you.
I'm going out on a limb and saying you have personal beef with Astat. He's almost if not always right on the information that he provides us. He wasn't acting "holier than thou", he was telling it like it is, as someone already stated. It could not have been worded any differently since the band has said those songs do not reflect the next LP album, yet there are those who do not believe that. If you need to express yourself to Astat, PM him so we don't have this mess in here. Edit: Keaton beat me to it, lol. Sorry. Carry on......