This thread is great, hahaha. I'm guessing Fiore must have filmed so much shit during the summit so maybe LPU members will get a Summit LPUTV episode or something.
'Started by Amanda' Oooh And was that Joe I saw in the rock paper scissors thing? Haha Definitely have to make it to one of these summits one day!
I'm in there occasionally in the back with my red LPA shirt. I played the rock-paper-scissors but I lost early..
Definitely need a Summit only LPTV episode. I feel so much was recorded that day that 2 mins don't do it justice.
I suppose the same could be said for every summit. There was tons of shit recorded in Chicago, yet, not a lot made the final cut.
I think you should have kept it your way...Think its cool that this was your first post and you were there!
@Joe if anyone misses Santa I can just wring them out a little of his sweat from the ketchup shirt I wanted to burn after the concert...I had to take two showers to feel clean...And I still dont!