Nearly two months ago, Linkin Park released a new merchandising initiative called the "LPBLKMRKT", which consisted of offering fans exclusive Linkin Park merchandise through "dealers" who are made up of LP fans within the United States. Dealers were recruited in an open process via the Linkin Park Street Team. Now, the LPBLKMRKT online shop is officially open for business and ready to ship worldwide. Click here to go to the shop. Do you like the new items or are you a dealer yourself? Make sure you let us know all about it in our Forums! Source: Linkin Park's official Twitter
I can't buy any of these stuff even if they cost 0.01$, simply cause of the magic word: Dollar. I have to admit I posted this with a "don't shoot me I'm just the messenger!" approach .. Not too good news but well, the duty is done.
I'm sorry but I'd like to know in what planet or universe, a pair of leggins is worth 50 dollars and a sweater worth 60. This is more than I see charged for merchandise at shows for god's sake. It pains me to throw the band under the bus like this, but some of these prices are just ludicrous. Really stunned by what I'm seeing here.
These prices are a disaster. Who the fuck in their right mind would pay $38 for a T-Shirt PLUS shipping? Really, this shit is laughable.
These are overpriced? This is how much things cost on the regular here in my city. Pretty bullshit. Grabbin that snapback.
Think they're expensive? Try living in the UK, we pay a much higher equivalent on clothes than the states. I buy a lot of shirts from Threadless because it actually works out cheaper to buy them from the US and import them than it does to just buy them here. These are awful designs though, hopefully the market gets much more choice added to it but not a good start at all.
$35 hat! What the serious fuck!? Why would anyone pay $35 for a HAT? It's a normal hat with a small bit on it's front. WOW!
I actually like the designs on the leggings however I am a guy and am not looking to expand my legging wardrobe. I'm not sure how I feel about the name...