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Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Jun 1, 2010.

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  1. Shadester

    Shadester (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Apr 3, 2007
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    I gotta go with Breaking the Habit too. I love the artistic style of the video, LP should really do another one like that. The frenzied look to the art really portrays the emotion and fury of the song really well. As mentioned, the direction is done marvelously. The fact that I love the song definitely helps the case. :lol:
  2. DaEnemyz

    DaEnemyz Well-Known Member

    Jan 16, 2005
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    My favorite Linkin Park video has to be "Leave Out the Rest." I say that because the message of the song can be seen through out the video very clearly. I believe that it was the first video that depicts all six members of the band by showing their life when they are way from home because of yours and such. It almost makes me wish that the band wouldn't do as much tours and spend more time with their family. But I guess that's the sacrifice they make for their fans, so I'm really grateful for that!
  3. MaxDibe

    MaxDibe New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    My fav video...

    ...that's a nice question, I used to say "I like all of their videos", but this question gave me the opportunity to think a bit about the different LP sounds and videos.

    After a brief brain storming with myself, Crawling (2001) is definitely my choice.
    A video never seen here in Italy and that I managed to see only through the Internet (thanks linkinparktv@youtube!).
    The song was very important to me, I always associated all my anger at some personal situations with those hard notes and those Chester screams...

    The video is a psychedelic journey through the thoughts of the girl that shows weakness and insecurity, but also anger, desire for redemption (as well as Chester with blond hair and Phoenix with short hair :p) and at the end the girl sees a new world. That is different from the usual songs and videos by some depressive guys...

    Violence, Weakness, Strenght, Anger, Rebelling: this is Crawling to me, and this video represent the essence of these words.
  4. Zara19

    Zara19 Member

    Jan 1, 2010
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    Q:"Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"

    My favourite LP video is Leave Out All The Rest, mainly because it was so different from the other videos, I love that they didnt take themselves too seriously in the video and it was just a fun video. I also thought it looked great, with the beautiful sun and the effects on the chess pieces when Brad and Rob were playing chess were awesome.
  5. linkinsoldiers

    linkinsoldiers Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Q:"Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"
    My favorite video is "From The Inside"
    I like so much the effects, good production, good song, good so good :)
  6. Gitsnik

    Gitsnik WAAAGH!!! Über Member

    Apr 3, 2007
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    My favorite Linkin Park video is definitely the "In the end" one.


    Because this is the video clip that made me discover LP and made me enter the world of rock music. I had never listened to rock before and this song was just amazing.
    About the video itself, the graphics of it were so cool and neat at that time. And being a fan of modelism, I also love the job that was made of the scene.

    So to conclude, the "In the end" video is always bringing back good memories of that time and still looks cool (even though the high quality versions are nice too :lol:).
  7. Michaela1771

    Michaela1771 New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    My fav vide

    It must be Somewhere I Belong. and the reason is.... the first time i saw/heard LP was when i saw SIB on tv in 2003. this video made me fall in love with the band and their music :)
  8. LPPanther

    LPPanther New Member

    Nov 11, 2007
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    My favorite LP video is From The Inside. I'm not sure why I like it, I just always thought it was one of the coolest videos they did.
  9. MyDecember33

    MyDecember33 Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    My favorite is In The End. It was a perfectly designed video in everything from color, to atmosphere, to wardrobe. The video compliments the song very well and is one of those videos that i personally could watch over and over.
  10. ana

    ana anaPHX LPA VIP

    Jan 30, 2010
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    It always has been from the Inside. I like all the lp Videos and they are all different in their own Way but à Long Time ago ive Chosen from the Inside As my favourite and Even tho the New Videos are really cool (leave out all the Rest is just amazing)

    from the Inside is still my #1.


    Because Not only because of prague and the cold-coloured theme(blue white black) but also ecause this video fits the best to the music and energy that comes up when they all hit the strings, keys, notes, beats, samples...

    There's always a change between fast and slow, as it is on the song and I really like the atmosphere of a battle!

    I didn't know until this year that the boy is actually chesters son, that's pretty funny!
  11. Ashwhisker

    Ashwhisker Member

    Dec 9, 2009
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    "Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"

    My favorite LP video is In The End. It is the video that got me into Linkin Park and one of the very first music videos I remember seeing, so it has a lot of great memories attached.
  12. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    For everyone who just joined today: Welcome to LPA! We hope you decide to stick around even after this contest is over, and please introduce yourself in Newbie Camp! We'd love to see you be active around here :).
  13. danielpsoad-09

    danielpsoad-09 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?

    I'd say Breaking the Habit. I love that video. What an amazing art and visual work there: the drawings are great, the animation is perfectly done. The story behind the video it's great too, it has a deep meaning. I must say that I also love the song.
  14. sims1234567890

    sims1234567890 New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    My favorite Linkin Park music video is given up.It was hard to choose but i like to watch the crazy camera effect wen Chester scream and sommetime I stoped the video and looked crazy image.It is impossible to see all in this video in one time.This effect make a intense feeling and I really enter in the song.
    Good luck Everybody!
  15. Foreshadowed_LP

    Foreshadowed_LP Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2007
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    Q: Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?

    Answer: My favourite Linkin Park video has always been Breaking The Habit. I remember I was sitting at home on my own one day and was surprised to hear a familiar opening to a track on the TV. The artistic scenery was beautiful and I immediately acknowledged it as Linkin Park. I sat there in silence for just over 3 minutes as the new video at the time had me in awe. I usually enjoy the Linkin Park videos that they produce but this one was so unique and different for the band and after watching the making of the video I really appreciated the effort they put into creating this masterpiece even more than I did before.

    The concept of it was done to perfection; you could sense the pain and anguish the characters went through and the mystery behind the lifeless body of what would soon be identified as Chester himself was a neat little side story also. The part where Chester soars up through the air and lands on the roof to play with the rest of the band was outstanding and a fascinating way to come to the final part of the song. The song may not have been their heaviest but the story and video certainly made it heavy and deep in meaning. To me, it was one of Linkin Park's most innovative and artistic videos yet.

    On a side note, thanks for this amazing opportunity. You guys are full of awesomeness.
  16. Lady.Bennington

    Lady.Bennington New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Q:"Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?"
    A:My favorite Linkin Park music video is "What I've Done"...because it was the first video I saw...and because in the video we can see the problems in the world...and I think this is a very significant thing...congratulations Mr.Hahn and Linkin Park...However all video by LP are AWESOME!!! It was very difficult to decide...
  17. munjakos

    munjakos Member

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Hard question but favorite video for now is New Divide. Great effects especially that encoding problem effect i don't know the exact name, maybe "encode transitions" hehhehehe...just awsome. :)
  18. Mitch

    Mitch Turning from a white sky to a black hole

    Dec 13, 2005
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    My favourite video would have to be papercut.
    I reckon it is the best because of all the little quirks in the video, such as those bugs, mikes fingers and the weird person in the other room.
    It's good stuff!
  19. Hybridora

    Hybridora Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2007
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    I'm going to have to say Crawling because of how they incorporated the word play into the video; such as the "I stand beside my own reflection", which had Chester staring at the girl, or other way around.
  20. The Doctor

    The Doctor I wear a fez now. Fez's are cool. LPA Super Member

    Mar 20, 2003
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    I think my favorite video would have to be Papercut. It conveys the songs emotion well, as it is about paranoid and personal demons, while outside the room there is an evil entity forcing its way in. As the song progresses and gets more chaotic, as does the video with the dragonflies, melting scenery, etc. The flashing lights add a sense of doom to it too. Oh and three words: Chester's plaid pants.
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