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Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Jun 1, 2010.

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  1. monkslp

    monkslp Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    For me the best Linkin Park video is Breaking The Habit.I know that the band isn't really in the video only their animated character,but these characters are hard to create.. it takes a lot of time to draw one simple picture and i can't imagine how much it took for that video.. and the storyline isn't stupid.It shows us how many people are trying to break the habit through suicide,which is sad.No mater how hard are our lives we can find a way how to get through the problems and all bad things...Don't give up! :]
  2. ginnlee

    ginnlee New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    My fav linkin park video? Some where I belong! I was so excited for the new album and could not wait to hear it and this was the first taste of it I could remember. Chester in the bed and then the fire amazing visual. Mr Hahn amazing mind!
  3. Inpieces3

    Inpieces3 Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    My favorite Linkin Park video has to be the video for somewhere I belong. I love the beginning where Chester falls onto the burning bed and I also love the part where mike is rapping and all of the people around him with the hoods on breathe smoke. The video is just epic in general.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2010
  4. breebreebennoda

    breebreebennoda The LP QU33N

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?
    My favorite Linkin Park music video is 'Somewhere I Belong' because I love that song veryy veryy much.
    I love the setting, the opening, where Chester is just floating by all the beautiful things in the small room.
    I love how he falls on the bed and he starts to dream.
    I love the camera angles of Chester's face and Mike's face.
    I love the shadows, the lighting, and the effects.
    I love the transformer-like action figures that sit on the table.
    I love the creatures in the picture that come to life later in the video.
    I love what each LP member is wearing. hehe.
    That video is just amazing.
  5. Trumtram

    Trumtram Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2002
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    while it is a huge deal for the three fansites to get that close in touch with the people around the band and receive these things to giveaway, i really had to laugh HARD when i saw what the LPA prize is... :D. i mean, seriously? a rock? hahaha. i can imagine how i try to impress anyone with that "hey look at this, that's from the original new divide set!" "..., it's a rock?" "yeah, but signed by all members!!!" "...still... a rock?".... hahaha :D.
    please don't pick me apart for this post and see it with a good amount of humor :).
  6. oogashaka

    oogashaka New Member

    Oct 2, 2009
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    Favorite video: Numb
    The story to the emotion - pure breathtaking
  7. rawrzar

    rawrzar Member

    May 2, 2007
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    All of Linkin Park's music video are awesome, but my favorite is Numb. The video is a great representation of the theme of the song, portraying a girl who does not feel like she belongs and is ridiculed by everyone she encounters. Although the girl has dreams of her own, the people around her do not accept them as normal, and therefore do not interact with her. Director Joe Hanh did an amazing job with this video. In addition, powerful emotions are shown by the band members. Being an emotional song, the video made its meaning much more powerful.
  8. Joeverflow

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    lulz. You do realize the same could be said about anything with that logic? Like a piece of printed paper with a few typed up words from Microsoft Word... "hey look, it's live notes from an LP show!" "It's a piece of paper" "Yeah, but it's signed by the whole band!" "It's still a piece of paper"... It's not about what it is, it's about where it came from. Arguing the physicality of the object is so redundant in this case, as none of the prizes really hold any benefits other than owning a piece of history from the band, whatever the aesthetics behind it. Sorry, I just had to laugh HARD at your post, please don't pick me apart for it and please see it with a good sense of humour. :)
  9. Bia_Barrett

    Bia_Barrett New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    What's your favorite Linkin Park video and why?
    Wow... this was really hard to decide. A some ago it would be Numb, because the video and the song are like my life . Literally ( well, minus the cutting part). That girl in the video, it could be me. I've always loved drawing ( and draw during all my classes, teachers aren't really happy about that), and I tend to like unusual stuff, which makes other people think I'm weird. I'm also a huge disapointment to my family, simply because I don't "fit in". I really didn't care about anything (I was "numb"), and Linkin Park helped me feel better.
    But things have changed ( not much, but they have ). I'm still the same person, but I realised that there are people who can apreciatte me for who I am. So I won't choose this video, even though I love it.

    I choose Shadow of the Day ( director's cut version, where Chester blows up a building), because, even though it's not my favorite LP song, I think the video has the strongest message of all. When I first watched it, it felt like a remake of From the Inside, but then I realized it was so much more... in From the Inside, the story focuses on how an individual is affected by the situation ( the little kid, Chester's son ♥). Shadow of the Day focuses on how all the people living in that situation are feeling, the fear, the anger, everything has a bigger impact. The way they kept some of the sound from the video was brilliant, and the message it conveys speaks for all of us : "WE WANT FREEDOM".

    Runner up is Breaking the Habit, for all the hard work it took to make that wonderful animated video, with great parallel plots and a "change your life" message!
  10. Chazygirl

    Chazygirl New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    Which Linkin Park music video is your favorite and why?
    very hard question....all videos are great...i don´t really have a fav video.....but i will take...Breaking The Habit because i think this video represent the song very good and it is a special type of video....all in all its awesome!
  11. dbslpfan15

    dbslpfan15 New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    My favorite music video from Linkin Park is "New Divide", hands down.
  12. ACDalgaard

    ACDalgaard New Member

    Jun 7, 2009
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    My favorite Linkin Park music video is What I've Done.
    The combination of stock footage and band performance is well-balanced and the colors are delightful.
    But most importantly, the video takes the song to a new level, giving it a double meaning. I love how the video shows how the lyrics can not only apply to an individual, but to the whole of humanity as well.
  13. Hanna

    Hanna New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    My favorite video is "From the inside", black and white makes this clip very spectacular, special effects when Chester and a small boy crying is never forget the moment, the clip excites and impresses, not enough words to express what I feel When watching this video.
  14. michazyee

    michazyee New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    This is so hard.. because I like al the LP videoclips... But I decided to choose From The Inside.
    I hate violence and war, I even get scared when I see people fight or yell at each other. But this video makes me want to watch it over and over again.
    In the videoclip everyone is thinking about themself, their freedom, their right and doing rebelish things. But they go too far.
    The little kid who is struggling with is own personal life, just had it with the fight and when the screaming part begins, he started to scream and everyone falls on the floor.. finally the fight is over and it’s quiet.
    I like the way they have put it together, the rap begins soft.. the chorus a bit louder.. than the soft rap.. then the louder chorus and finally the climax of the song/video is the screaming part, that gives me goosebumps all over my body. It makes me want to close my eyes and start to scream too.
    Thumbs up for Joe Hahn who directed this epic videoclip!
  15. Andrea

    Andrea best friends. LPA Addicted VIP

    Dec 12, 2002
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    Ziiiing! :lol:
  16. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Sorry, but 'humorous' or not...this post is rather insulting.

    Please let me remind you of exactly what this "rock" is. It's a piece of the actual floor that the band used as part of their set for the New Divide video, that originally came from the TRANSFORMERS 2 set! Not only did the band have their gear set up on the floor this rock came from, but they also performed on top of it and hand signed it to boot. That to me makes it one of the best prizes being given away in this contest.
  17. RadiatedDuckFoot

    RadiatedDuckFoot New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    Papercut - Simply because it's an amazing song and video. There is so much going on you can almost find something new each time you watch it. It's very energetic and the way the filmed it is even neat. Everyone's all sped up but the lips match up, as described in Pancake dvd. I also love how Rob is just sitting there all chillaxed then goes all morphed face. It really shows the early LP that a lot of people love.
  18. vampireanarchy

    vampireanarchy New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    i have to say i love all the videos for Reanimation but to put one i have to pick Frgt10 becase the art in it is great the video show how great linkin park is at that time how great there going to be
  19. AnnaLP

    AnnaLP New Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    My favorite music video is leave out all the rest I think this video shows how much Joe's techinique has improved along the years, this video is amazing and the song is realy conected with the video. By the way, this iis the reason that my favorite isn't new devide, the video is great but didn't work out with the song, something is missing.

    So my answer is Leave Out All the Rest
  20. linkinunion095

    linkinunion095 New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    my favorite one is in the end.. i mean... it´s one linkin park classic song( the one you listen and someone who doesnt listen to them... know that their song its them). about the video it's my favorite beacuse it has no sense( of course that the music and the video are perfect together)... i have no idea how to describe how much i love that video.... i know that the first sentence nobody would understand them.. but i just havo no idea to describe it full... i hope that people who really like the video as i can understand this :D
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