Right now, the Wiki looks awful. I am no good with CSS, and even to achieve what I have, I googled a lot. But this is what I suggest the LPA wiki should look like: Linkin Park Wiki: Sandbox Yeah, I know I could not work the second table well. Like I said, I'm no good with CSS. But we could do a complete theme along these lines. What do you say?
Jake, you certainly have a decent idea. The reason we have the Wiki looking the way it does was in an attempt to make it look closer to Wikipedia. However; perhaps we could look into the CSS and see if we could have it have more of it's own look. Thanks for the suggestion!
I didnt change it because I don't know CSS XD. I am trained in art a little bit so I know what a good design would look like, though. ooh. But I can't load the OP's link. I'd like to see it and I'll try again later today. mental note: I need to bother Todd about enabling the vector features by default.
If you need help with editing CSS, w3schools.com has helped a lot when I was in web design at high school.
Great, maybe Kathy and a CSS-person could do this together sometime! And eh.. it's strange how some people just can't load my site :/ I'll have to talk to my host And that's how I made it as far as I did! XD
I know C++ and Java fluently, just not any web technologies specifically. I have developed programmer instincts. I bet I could learn CSS a little faster than your average person because of that..... it's just.... learning is so time consuming. I'll give it a shot or something on some weekend. Maybe. If I could get a copy of MediaWiki running locally on my computer I could tinker with it or something instead of ruining LPA's wiki again. Before I was getting nothing but now I'm just getting an XML parser error. Code: XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.6.20/chrome/toolkit.jar!/content/global/netError.xhtml Line Number 60, Column 12: <title>&loadError.label;</title> -----------^ Can you post a screenshot of your site so I can look at it?
We're learning C++ at school. If you're fluent Kathy, I'll say I know little! XD Here are the screenshots: I made it to my taste! =] The album view thingy is not right, I know. Probably some HTML issue, not CSS, I think.
That's very nice. Good taste. Simple, easy to read color palette that doesn't distract from the site's content. When the wiki started, tables were very tedious to code up. There might be legacy tables left over before we started to install extensions that compensated for the weird tables.
Glad you like it! Now I know somebody on the internet approves of my taste If you want, I'll get all the "module"-previews done, but I'm not sure if all the parts of the wiki are editable. But there's still layout and stuff to do- but I guess you'll do that better than me (referring to one of your previous posts).
I have a general Wiki question... With the Wiki, do you have to make a seperate account? I just tried editing something and it didnt save anything and I noticed it said that I wasn't signed in...
I remember dying when I was coding the tables. Anything that makes it simpler and/or look good will be a much appreciated. I assume you need a separate account for the Wiki. You should just create one so we know that your IP address isn't someone random. @Jake Your website seems to be blocked by my firewall/security software. Something wrong with it?
You do not need to sign in to edit the wiki. BUT, it asks you to fill out the capcha before submitting your edit. If you do want to sign in, though, you do need to make a separate account. The databases aren't tied together.
First thing: I am only front end wiki admin. I don't actually know what the server looks like, so i don't have a real answer. Secondly, I wouldn't know how it would work with the whole renamable usernames and all. Tying vBulletin into MediaWiki sounds like it would take work. Also, my progress on CSS has been, like, nil. But, i did get a wiki installment on my home machine. Can people send me CSS files so I can see how they look (and/or tweak them) so I can later put them on the wiki? Basically, I can install them, but I dont have enough time to learn CSS on top of the other things I need to do.
I contacted my host. They did a few maintenance checks, there was nothing "wrong" in particular. Let me know if it works for you two now. Edit: I would appreciate a quick response, because I have to get back to my host with the feedback. Edit 2: I would need to install wiki locally as well. I did the preview page from ground, not on wiki CSS, so I'll have to get that done accordingly too. And a school-going would want a lot of time for all this. Plus, add that I'm lazy!