To somebody who is up to it, it would be cool to grab any and all clips of Chester from lptv, DVDs and anything else, and consolidate them into one long tribute video, I would be willing to host the files
I want to help somehow. I've suffered from depression and try to commit suicide before, I can totally relate even if I'm utterly gobsmacked. ANYTHING I can do to help, I will certainly try too.
I play keyboards and can also help/provide editing and all the musical behind the scnees stuff that goes on
I can sing, I can play guitar, I can play piano, whatever you need and want. I'm opened to do what I can for Chester.
I've had a similar idea since last night. I've even reached out to management with the idea of doing a project like this in a semi-official capacity where money could be raised for suicide prevention programs. I was understandably told that it's too soon for the involved parties to really think about something like that but it may be a possibility. Regardless, I'm willing to offer any of my skills/resources to this and help take this as far as it can go. I play guitar, bass, drums, and keys. I sing. I produce, mix, and master. I do song arrangements, remixes, medleys, and mashups. I'm enrolled at a music school with access to professional studio spaces with Pro Tools HD systems and hundreds of thousands of dollars of microphones and outboard gear. I know numerous other talented musicians (both in and out of the LP online community) who would be willing to lend their talents to such a project. Let's not make this just another entry in the long list of inevitable tributes that will end up on YouTube or whatever. I have confidence that we can make THE definitive tribute in this situation, do justice to Chester's legacy, and raise awareness.
I definitely want to be involved in something like this. Been making videos for years, been using LP's song many times (like the first one below, with powerless) Ok, it's nothing related to LP, but I love making tributes about MMA fighters, making that thing emotional. Just for your information, if my skills could, by the least, interest someone, please watch the links below. I try to put emotions in my videos, even if it's a violent sport, and since yesterday, been thinking about making something for Chester, for LP. Not sure how much time we would need to pull something out of this, but, feel free to contact me on this board, if by any mean I can help. I'm not a pro, just a passionnate dude that loves to make tributes to my idols.
I don't have the contacts in LP management or the amount of personal talent as Astat but I also have access to an insane amount of equipment and professional studios at my school. I definitely agree with the sentiment of not making it just another tribute in the sea of them (not to downplay other people's) but one that is special for this community and really shows our love for Chester and all he has done.
I produce using electronic equipment, play piano, guitar, mix and engineer, sing and rap. Still have loads of equipment from when I used to work for a major. LP are lifelong heroes so any way I can contribute with this community I would be blessed.
I play guitar, but I'm in for anything. Edit: I also like the idea of fan meetups. It would be a good idea to toss around; it would be cathartic to interact with others.
I also really like this idea. Maybe post pictures of the gathered fans from across the globe coming together in remembrance of Chester. I know this whole tribute idea might take a while to actually get rolling, but it's ambitious and so we need to keep giving it energy if we want to go through with it. We have the talent for sure--this is one of the most talented fanbases I know. But really ambitious ideas like this wither up if there aren't people constantly investing in it. I think we should at least start thinking of concrete ideas for this at this stage and discuss that if we want this to be a thing--which I for one really do, because more than anything I want to pay tribute to the amazing man Chester was.
If enough people are interested in the meetups, I could make a topic taking roll call of general states/regions/whatever where everyone is located, and we could go from there.