Long story short: We should do a tribute video or cover album, or something of sorts in dedication to Chester and for the band so they can truly appreciate how much they mean to us. Long story: Well, there is no long story. Do we need any more reason? I feel like the idea speaks for itself. Maybe we do a group cover of One More Light. Extended instrumental break so that we can all chip in with stories of what LP means to us, how they have touched our lives, that kind of thing. Post your thoughts and ideas. We need to do SOMETHING. While this would probably work on the Your Projects subforum, I feel like the greater visibility of this subforum is better for this.
Nothing to add, I think it's one of the best things we could do right now as a community. Great idea. How about gang vocals from all of us for the last chorus of One More Light?
I'd like to see this. I don't have any musical skills, but would like very much to see this happen...
Why not have LP fan meetups in towns across the world and move on from there. LP family giving eachother hugs.. Having a minute of silence... Listen to Chesters voice together... Sing along together as it won't probably happen as often from now on... Record some kind of a tribute there as well and put together footages into a big video... All LP sites should unite together for this one.
You could have people send in videos talking about what the band/Chester did for or meant to them and then make a big long video with them. People could share their favorite moments as well. I don't know. I'm not thinking too clearly right now.
There will probably be a lot of discussion and ideas here. I think it is important for LPA staff together with other Linkin Park fansite's staff take the leading role in the organisation of the tribute. Let's do something beautiful family.
I don't really play any instruments but I'd love to contribute in some way, maybe with art/photography. And speaking of that, while covers and even remixes would be great, artwork and even appreciation videos (like others have mentioned) would be great for this too. It would help open up this tribute to a lot more people in the LP community. Great idea, Minus
I wrote something like song lyrics but it is not really for singing. Just writing but it was inspired by Chaz and I wrote it like for 2 minutes. Just have to translate it from Bulgarian to English
I like this idea, I think we and other sites should take a lot of time and make it great. Maybe if we can get Lorenzo to help us out and do some kind of super LOATR cover?
I sing. I can do whatever needs to be done and have the equipment for any vocal tracks. It doesn't have to be today. Or for a while. We're all grieving right now. But it's something we need to do. We need the rest of LP to know what they've done for us as a fanbase.