You're free to sample other Linkin Park songs but, aside from that, mash-ups are ineligible this round. Sorry!
Technically both parties are right, but it's our fault for not clarifying how the rules work so let me do that now: In the very beginning we didn't allow mashups at all, because the themes were genre specific and thus we preferred original music instead of two songs mashed up together. However, around the time the free-for-all months started happening, we started allowing mashups...but it appears we never updated the official rules to specify the difference, which is what lead to the confusion in this thread. So to make it clear, if it's a free-for-all month mashups WILL be allowed. However, it's a genre specific month (say, dubstep for example) you cannot submit a mashup for consideration. So in this case, the mashups are acceptable.
I got a lot requests for the acapella and the instrumental of my remix. Unforutnately I can't reply to them... When I send a reply it simply dissappers :/ I have uploaded instrumental & acapella for those who want to use them. to the Kingdom Acapella.mp3 to the Kingdom Instrumental.mp3
How did you do that? It actually sounds like you got Mike and Chester to re-record their vocals for the remix. Chester's bit during the rap is impressive.
Hey guys, here's my entry, mashup/remix of KTTK with Gershwin's Prelude No. 3 - Gershwin Meets Linkin Park - SoundCloud Hope you like it ;-)
so as my first post in LPA and as my first LP (Distinctive) Remix Here's a lo-fi remix I call "Keysthruablender" edit: I recorded this via laptop/smartphone mics
Have you ever heard linkin park in soundtrack style? Cause my remix of keys to the kingdom got just that:
I know, I kinda did it on purpose, cause I didin`t want to spend to much time on it, so I didin`t care if the vocals were slight of beat. perhaps I`m just being lazy but I hope that It still is enjoyable to listen to.
I think my remix entry has a soundtrack feel to it. ... Yes, I know that question was probably rhetorical. I felt like answering it anyway. Yours sounds neat. Not sure I like the sped up vocals, but neat.