LPA Monthly Mix-Up October: Dance Pop/Dance-Hop/Electro-Pop

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Oct 19, 2011.

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  1. Paolo

    Paolo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
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    oh yeah, I can't wait! :D
  2. РΛТ


    Oct 21, 2011
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    same here
    so excited
    i really hope its "mashups"
  3. m_macdonald

    m_macdonald Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Oh, I see what you mean, I looked up Newtone and it looks spookily similar to Variaudio, so yeh it's the same kind of idea!

    I'm not that familiar with FL Studio, but what I would say is this: I think Cubase is great. It's powerful, has some useful tools, a reasonably good workflow (once you get used to it) and it can basically do anything I want it to do. BUT, the main thing is: I've used it for years, and I'm used to it and I know it inside out. If you use FL Studio, you might find that switching to another platform is just frustrating! That's not to say I don't think you should change platform, I'm just saying make sure you're comfortable with whatever platform you choose. My suggestion would be to set aside some time to try some demos of some DAWs, and see how you get on with it. I don't want to convince you to buy Cubase if it turns out that you don't like the workflow or the interface!

    One word of warning: I would say that Cubase comes with slightly less cool toys straight out of the box compared with some other DAWs, for example Apple's Logic which (I'm told by others) comes jam packed with some pretty cool stuff. Apparently Reaper has some cool stuff too for a ridiculously cheap price, but I've never tried it! Cubase is getting better at this, but you might find that some of the synths and software instruments you get packaged with Cubase are a bit 'meh' compared to some other platforms. For example, I struggled to find many good synths in Cubase for my Given Up remix, I ended up relying on some Native Instruments stuff, and some synth patches which I made myself. But, like I say, definitely try the Trial Version, and see how you get on, you may or may not decide it's for you.

    I compressed my drums a little bit, but your reverb suggestion is a really good idea. I didn't think of that, that's definitely worth trying!

    Thank you! I'm really glad you like it

    Great entry! The low bassy synth in the first verse is cool, very moody like Derek said
  4. Erica

    Erica Meh LPA Über VIP

    Sep 3, 2010
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    I really really like theblackdonut's but macdonald's blew my mind XD
  5. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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