Is it too late to change the name of my remix? I figured, since the link would change, I might as well ask first.
Alright, done! I thought the link would change too. Forgot that it only happens if you change your username. Guilty All The Same [Broken Machine Remix].
Good luck to everyone! It's so cool knowing Mike will listen to all these too. I hope it isn't too long until UIG multitracks get released so we can get another MMU soon, I love the Monthly Mix Up.
I listened to almost all the remixes featured in this MMU, and I think there are many good remixes. Mr. Shinoda will have a lot of work. Good luck everyone!
Guilty all the same remix Check it out.....
You got lucky, we're extending the deadline to 11:59PMEST tonight due to the confusion about 'midnight today'. So your entry will be included. For those who have entered, get your last minute fixes in. For those who haven't entered yet, hurry the fuck up .