LPA Holiday Giveaway - One Step Closer European Promo (PRO-2306)

Discussion in 'News' started by Casual D, Dec 24, 2011.

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  1. #61

    Jarmany New Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    "Where were you when you heard Hybrid Theory for the first time, and how did you hear it?"
    The first time I heard Hybrid Theory, I was in the car with my mom and she just bought the album a few years after it's debut. We were listening to "With You" and I remember thinking, "This sound awful." A year later I caught Points of Authority on the radio. I loved the music that I previously hated and went searching for the band who did that song. I have been a Linkin Park fan for about 5 years.
  2. #62

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    The first time I heard "Hybrid Theory" was shortly after I bought the album on October 24th 2000. I skipped school and bought the album with my lunch money right after Best Buy opened that day. I remember listening to the the opening track, 'Papercut' thinking 'wow, that's a lot of rapping... Not sure if I like this track.' Next, I heard the track that made me buy the record. 'One Step Closer' was a song I fell in love with after less than one listen on the radio. This song later became my mantra and a big reason for why I'm still here. This song pulled me through high school because I was able to relate with it. It put a lot of things into perspective and knowing that someone else went through something close to what I went through and made it, gave me motivation. Next on the album, I heard 'With You.' I immediately began thinking about my late grandma and how "Even if you're not with me, I'm with you" meant something to me. Even though there was that whole 'rapping thing' on the song, I was able to listen to the lyrics and found that I could relate again. Next, 'Points Of Authority' came on and I was starting to get used that there would be rapping on the album. Being a metalhead in high school, I had no will to listen to rap. I was surprised I was listening to it and more importantly, I was liking it. 'Crawling' came on and I remember thinking 'wow, this is a really good song.' I really liked the sample in the intro... It stuck with me. Next I heard 'Runaway' and could again relate. It was a culmination of a couple of things. Most importantly, wanting to runaway from being bullied in school. "By myself" came on next and I though about how much that song rocks! I would later find a deeper relating meaning behind the song, but these are first impressions. 'In The End' was next and I liked the piano in the song. It was definatly catchy and it got my attention. The chorus sounded good and the bridge was very memorable. "A Place For My head" came on and I loved the way the intro of the song built up. I remember loving the energy that the song had on first listen. The energetic end to "A Place For My Head" meant an equally energetic start to "Forgotten." The most memorable thing from this song was honestly the "Woo-Ha!" I remember thinking that the song was really cool, despite the rapping, and that little "Woo-Ha" was a nice touch. "Cure For The Itch" was up next and even though it wasn't exactly my cup of tea, I looked at it as an interlude. Nothing really more than that. Lastly was "Pushing Me Away." I thought this song sounded good, but one rap line really got me in the song. "Everything falls apart, even the people that never frown eventually break down." Being a kid who was a loner in high school, that line meant a lot to me. Even at first listen, it was able to let me relate to it. It was a sign that more than "One Step Closer" would mean something to me. Looking back, I am sure glad that I was able to evolve from my very narrow minded way of looking at music. I've mentioned before how if it wasn't for "Hybrid Theory," I probably wouldn't be alive. It's kind of funny to reminisce about the frivolous beginning of a relationship with something that means so much to me now. Thank you for letting me relive that...
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  3. #63

    LP13413 Linkin Park fan

    Nov 3, 2009
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    First time I listened to it in full was on Christmas day, 2001. I had recieved Hybrid Theory as a gift that morning and it instantly became my favorite album.
  4. #64

    Snail LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 26, 2005
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    I was at home the first time I listened to the album, 'Hybrid Theory' in full. I went out of my way to purchase the album from HMV with my dearest cousin, of whom was the one that introduced the band. I listened to the album in full through my VAIO PC via a music software program called Sonicstage. I was not an avid listener to any particular type of genre in music. As such, 'Hybrid Theory' was a jarring, yet amazing listening experience.
  5. #65

    LP_Smiddy New Member

    Dec 26, 2011
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    First time I heard Hybrid Theory..,

    The first time I heard anything by Linkin Park was at my mums house when u was living there at the grand age of 13, I was watching Kerrang and 'One Step Closer' came on. The raw energy of the song was nothing like I'd ever heard before. After that I was constantly flicking through channels to get another fix of the hair raising song. I'd never been into that genre of music until I'd heard that one song and was never really interested until that point. I proceeded to buy their album 'Hybrid Theory' which I can proudly say was the first album I'd ever bought. I first listened to it in my bedroom full whack on my playstation. I bought a Walkman as I thought that listening to it just at home wasn't enough. I must have had that album played continuously for at least 6 months to a year. Nothing else interested me. I look back at my teenage years and can honestly say that that album played a massive part and in a strange way has made me who I am today........

  6. #66

    rellina New Member

    Dec 25, 2011
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    when i first heard it was when i was 14 ,i was looking for a band that work for humanity and have some pride and they are really different i mean can you compare lady gaga with LP!? REALLY! so i was searching for it and once my best friend talked about In the end so i went home and downloaded then i bought CDs and downloaded more more till i became a linkin parker they are really different in many ways than other celebrities in the world i pray for them everyday
  7. #67

    colinreid Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2010
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    It was shortly after the bands first album "Hybrid Theory" got released. I had a group of friends over for my Birthday one night and one of them happened to bring along that album with them. As soon as "One Step Closer" was being played, I was Instantly hooked.

    The next day or so I went straight to the store and purchased It and since then I have been supporting and connecting with the band. I always ask myself that If they have never brought round that CD, would I still be a fan of them till this day? Or even heard of one of there songs?
  8. #68

    Dusty McNugget Buddy LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2009
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    The first song I heard from "Hybrid Theory" was "In The End" back in November 2000. A friend of mine sent me a message over ICQ (Yes, IC FREAKING Q) that I HAD to hear this song. Picked up the CD a few days later.... The rest was history.

    Its amazing how much one band can pretty much become a big part of my life for the past 11 years with the release of Hybrid Theory.
  9. #69

    lpjay2b lpjay2b

    Mar 16, 2011
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    for the first time, well....I think it was after school, a friend said to me " Listen that, it's gonna make you another A S S hole " (He was talkin about one step closer and his favorite words were "Just like before"..
    So I bought the CD, and the day after I became the real n°1 FAN.... ^^
    LP <3
  10. #70

    Markyu94LP Markyu94LP

    Dec 26, 2011
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    I heard Hybrid Theory for the first time in 2008 and I was in middle school. I was at home, after school, and I listened to it with my father's stereo. This album gave me a unique feeling and I always remember this as one of the album that has left its mark on my life.
  11. #71

    19nacho19 Banned

    Dec 1, 2011
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    I was in my house and remembered a schoolmate that had a bag with the guys and the name "Linkin Park" so I searched for that ofcourse I knew it was music I don't know why :p, so I don't remember very well when I heard the whole album but, when I heard "One Step Closer" I couldn't control myself in the bridge man... that was sick :D, before I heard LP I didn't like any music, I was fucking empty, now I even sing thanks to LP that made me love the good sound of music and now I'm full of adrenaline ';..;'
    SO CALL NOW! BUY LINKIN PARK's Hybrid Theory Album and fill yourself with Adrenaline! no more boringness and emptyness!
    that would be the best propaganda of the world :D
  12. #72

    Xephr Member

    Aug 22, 2006
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    Alright so, probably the first time that I ever heard Linkin Park, was many years ago, in my room at my parent's house.

    It all began, when I found this CD that said Hybrid Theory on it, and it was actually my big brother who owned the CD. I was thinking, let's give it a try and from there I listened to the songs on it. I felt that I got more into their music by every minute, yeah even seconds, I pretty much loved hearing their music and before I knew it, Linkin Park became my favourite band.
  13. #73

    jrlcopy Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Heading home from school on the bus with my ol' reliable CD player with the SuperBass sound effect enhancer, ha. Always had to keep a spare pair of AA batteries in the backpack for this thing, haha.
  14. #74
    Glen Orpheus

    Glen Orpheus Frackin Frackers (",)

    Oct 23, 2011
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    Wow, you sure do eat a lot then....would take me nearly a week of lunch money to save enough to purchase a new album (",)
  15. #75

    lparker55 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    It was back in 2000, high school, I was a sophomore, it was my first high school dance, my buddies were web browsing at the time, I was in the shitter, then I hear the infamous Brad Delson guitar riff coming from the distance, I hurried up, took care of business, rushed in to hear what they were listening too... We all looked at eachother, not saying a word, my buddy grabbed his car keys, we said "fuck the dance, we're buying this fucking album" and the rest is history... I'm 26 years old, and still love this band as much as I did the first time I heard them...
  16. #76

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    I remember watching the Music Video from In The End on tv and liking it. But at that time I was like 7 years old and wasn't really interested in music. To me, the Music Video looked nice and that was reason enough to like a song basically. Then years after that I saw the Music Video of Breaking The Habit and I thought it was a great song + I liked the anime video sooo much.

    The funny thing is that it didn't occur to me that it was the same band that made In The End. I basically became a fan after Breaking The Habit, searched for other songs and ended up finding Hybrid Theory. When listening to the album, it was like finding a long lost friend, because when hearing In The End, I just knew I heard the band before. Because of that, I looked up the Music Video of In The End and yep, it was the same band I liked that many years ago.

    That's basically my road to fandom for LP :D
  17. #77

    Top2Bottom Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    It was shortly after the release of In The End. So late 2001 I guess. I've never been one to really be into a song right away, but In The End just captivated me from the first time I saw it on Rage (Top 50 countdown here in Australia). It was just awesome. All the skills of Limp Bizkit, with a dark edge to the song. I feel shamed to mention Limp Bizkit in the same breath now, but they were at the top of "Rap/Rock" at the time.

    I went out and bought the album with my brother and sister, and still have it in my collection. As a complete package, it is LP's best album to date. The timing was right, for Linkin Park and myself, as it has created a passion for music that I otherwise may not have had.
  18. #78

    Rahat Nyeh LPA VIP

    Feb 12, 2007
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    It's funny because the first hybrid theory song I heard was In the end. When I finished listening to it I actually hated it. There was no magic "oh my god I love linkin park" moment after hearing that one song. I didn't like rap at all at the time, ironic considering I am a rapper now. What had actually turned me off at the beggining was Mikes presence in the song. I moved on listened to other stuff and then later on I came accross the song A place for my head. In my head I had my doubts about whether or not I would enjoy another linkin park song but I decided to give it another try. I was listening to A Place for my head over and over for the following weak after that. I then decided to listen to the album as a whole and that was when I truly got hooked. The more I listened to Linkin Park the more hyped I got to try creating my own music and eventually got into rap. Now Mike is one of my favorite artists and I've joined the many die hard Linkin Park fans on these forums.
  19. #79
    One More Rob

    One More Rob Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2010
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    the first time was when the video for "In The End" was shown on TV. It amazed me. I thought it was real, which makes me laugh now (but c'mon I was 6 at the time). Then some time later I got the album and loved and devoured every second of it.
  20. #80

    UNiPersona previously known as STARKINATOR

    Apr 2, 2010
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    The first time I have ever heard the album , I think that will be the time I purchased the album. I knew Linkin Park for a long time but have never listened to them so when I was doing some shopping on Amazon , I decided to give them a go and bought the album. The next thing I knew is that, HT blasted my mind.
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