Ya know, get-togethers? So everyone can meet eachother, get to know eachother etcetc for only LPA members?
That always seemed like a good idea to me, but I think many people would stop at the idea of flying out just to meet other members of a band's fansite, not that I'm degrading any members or LPA. We should work our way up, though. Stuff like the podcast is very interactive - I just think we should cycle through prominent members to get a feeling of "fresh blood" and such.
I would actually love to fly out. But like have meetups in multiple large cities around the US and maybe a few other countries. Though I has no money -.- We should maybe wait a bit more until popularity grows a bit. Plus, this isn't an official LP Fansite(Yet ) and there might not be too many people going, depending on the willingness of everyone.
We've floated the idea before, and the general consensus is that people want meetups but they don't have the money to travel.
This. With the economy nobody really has the money. I was lucky I had the money I was saving up for a LP concert since I was 10 in my bank account to eeven get the terrible way-back-corner seats I got for the show in MN. DOn't know how I will be able to get to a meetup if we had one unless it was in St. Paul.
No, I'm not saying I'm TOTALLY unable. I thought it would be a good suggestion for others who could go. I might be able to go if it was in the Dakotas, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa etc etc in that area. That's why I suggested we have multiple meetups in different areas.
I invite all of the women of LPA to my house for drinks and entertainment tonight. Hope you all can make it.
If members want to organize something on their own and meetup, that's great, feel free and you can even post a thread for it. I know some people have met up in the past. But if anything official, with staff attendance were to ever happen (and that's a big if), it would be one time, in one location. We don't have the money to travel all over the place.
TIME TO PARTY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1! [thumb]http://www.lpassociation.com/articleimages/021111-172250_velli.php[/thumb]
LMFAO, YOU KNOW IT! [YOUTUBE]XR3gfLa5c50[/YOUTUBE] Ok you can see it on Youtube then, embed doesn't work properly!
Hahaha, rude boy show me the migraine skank...put two hands on the head and skank! awesome song. Oh crap, I thought this thread was in Random chat.
Just so you know I have lots of chocolate, since people give me chocolate and I do not like it, I don't really eat it. Not that it is relevant or anything, just thought you all should know. Because, well, many people like it I guess.