Discussion in 'Random Chat' started by Ree, Jan 17, 2013.

  1. #1

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the

    The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here! We had 33 LPA members voting this year, which is more than we’ve had in recent years! The votes have all been counted and tallied, but before we reveal the winners, Joe and I would like to thank all the members that voted for taking part this year! We know how hard it was to choose just one person for each category so we appreciate your effort! Alright, enough talk, let’s do this!

    Favourite Member


    “Is Joe home yet?” Fuck yeah! Joe brings home the highly coveted Favourite Member 2012 Award! It’s easy to see why Joe has won this award as he is a great friend to many members on and off the LPA. The LPA would not be the same without Joe’s witty comments, jokes and obscure Asian horror movie streams. As a former Admin, Joe dedicated a lot of time and effort posting news and keeping the community informed of all things LP related. Joe also gained recognition from the LP community and even the band members themselves for his work in the Scavenger Hunt and for “leaking” LIES GREED MISERY to the world. Congratulations, Joe!

    Favourite Staff Member


    For the second year in a row it's no surprise that Ree comes away with the "Favourite Staff Member" award. Her hard work and awesome personality definitely shines through whether she's making site updates, helping users on the forums or just hanging out with other members in the shoutbox. It's safe to say the LPA wouldn't be the same without Ree as a staff member and this recognition simply reiterates just how awesome and dedicated she is. Congratulations, Ree! - Joe

    Most Intelligent Member


    The winner comes as no surprise as Todd wins the Most Intelligent Member award for the 4th year running! It’s easy to see why as without Todd we probably wouldn’t even have the LPA up and running! Todd was our saviour during the busy album release period last year when a record number of hits on the site often meant that our servers crashed, however our resident genius Todd was always around to fix and upgrade the site. You can also find Todd spreading his intelligence in the Tech Talk and Serious Chat subforums. Congratulations, Todd!

    Most Funniest Member


    With over half of the votes, Joe wins the Award for Most Funniest Member for the second year running! Joe can make a shitty day turn into a good day with his crude and sarcastic British humour, borderline rule-breaking jokes and hilarious photo-shopped images. You often find other members quoting Joe in their signatures and in the Legendary Shouts thread. If Joe doesn’t make you laugh like a crazed lunatic at your computer then you officially have no sense of humour. Congratulations, Joe!

    Most Random Member


    New LPA member HelenLP wins the award for Most Random Member! Whether she was talking to imaginary friends or posting random quotes from the Bible, Helen made a great impression and became notorious for her random outbursts on the forum/shoutbox. She seems to have disappeared from the boards however her presence is still here with us and she seems to live on within another LPA member...

    Most Controversial Member


    Kacy (Minus) wins the award for Most Controversial Member for the third year running! Noobs fear him, nu-metal obsessed fans probably loathe him but Kacy is never afraid to speak out. We definitely have a badass on the LPA and we love him for making things interesting around here. Empty Spaces.

    Most Missed Member


    VeLLi, come back! We miss your hilarious shouts and rule-breaking antics. We hope you take a break from your 10-way orgy with hot Russian chicks and pop by to say hello to us soon! Paris)))))

    Most Attractive Male Member


    It must be the British charm, good looks (see the JoeDerek photoshop) and badass t-shirts because Joe wins the award for Most Attractive Male Member 2012! I’m sure Joe will be happy to know that a good chunk of the LPA male population finds him attractive! Good work, Joe.

    Most Attractive Female Member


    All hail our resident Swedish beauty, Liz! Liz lights up the Post Your Picture thread with awesome pictures and with a beautiful personality to match, it comes as no surprise as Liz wins the award for Most Attractive Female Member! So Liz, time to post some more pictures maybe? *Creeper mode* Congratulations, Lizzypoo!

    Most Dedicated Member


    The first and only three way tie of the 2012 LPA Awards comes from the "Most Dedicated Member" category! LPA staff members Derek & Ree are joined by former Admin Joe to take home the joint prize. All three had a big part in last year's LPA Summit and LP Scavenger Hunt which when matched with their continued work and activity on the LPA, it's easy to see why all three ended up in the winners bracket for Most Dedicated. - Joe

    Best Newbie


    With so many awesome newbies joining the LPA in 2012, the category for Best Newbie was one of the toughest to predict so a huge congratulations to Melis for winning the award for Best Newbie! With over 4000 posts in the 6 months Melis has been here, she has truly made a great impression on the LPA Community and it’s hard to imagine the LPA without Melis now! Whether she’s samuel’ing people in the shoutbox or dishing out sick burns, we all love Melis and Melis’s transformation from a noob to the awesome girl she is now has been a delight to witness. Congratulations, MellyMuffin!

    LPA'er You Would Most Like To Meet


    Another win for Joe! Perhaps you want to attend a UFC event with Joe or maybe you just want to hang out and play games with him? Joe has probably met the most LPA members after attending the Camden LPU summit and also taking part in the Scavenger Hunt in London, so it’s no surprise that other members of the LPA want to meet him too! Congratulations again, Joe.

    Best Thread


    Beating out a number of forum favourites to take the "Best thread" category this year is the new for 2012 thread "Legendary Shoutbox Quotes" created by Ree in May of 2012! This Hall of Fame of real-time shoutbox literature is a museum of great one-liners, conversation and memorable quotes which will be forever etched in time with their place in 2012's best thread! – Joe

    Favourite LPA Smilie


    For three years we've seen many iterations of Kappa posted on the LPA, but the original and only official Kappa is the most used of all. This classic smilie is the staple to any sarcastic comment on the forums and shoutbox, but has somehow always missed out on that grand prize of "Best Smilie" every year. However, in 2012 Kappa has beaten the odds and although he's desaturated, he will shine brightly tonight amongst the "Best Smilie" winners circle. The smug little bastard finally did it!


    Favourite Unofficial Smilie



    How can any other smilie top the one of Joe deepthroating a hotdog? It was born from an image of Joe eating a hotdog on his trip to USA and and this smilie truly is Zak’s magnum opus. It’s finally time for this smilie to be made an official smilie here on the LPA, don’t you all agree?

    Nicest Member


    Melis wins her second award of 2012! She’s always around in the Shoutbox and forum to talk to other members. With her sweet, friendly and kind personality, Melis definitely deserves this award for being the Nicest Member!

    Biggest WTF Thread


    So. Where do I begin with this year's "Biggest WTF Thread" winner? Well, "The Name Change Request Thread" was created by Derek, and much like its author, it's become pretty infamous in itself for being the most pointless, unnecessary and completely useless thread on the LPA. Now, I know this might start an all out war in the comments, but as of the time of writing, the name that has been waiting to be changed the longest is running close to three months. THREE MONTHS. Why does this even exist?! I want you all to take a look at the top left of your screen. See that "Private Message" button? Well, you can use that to PM an Admin for a name change and get a response within no less than a day. So why on Earth this thread exists is beyond fishy. "The Name Change Request Thread", you truly deserve this award. Oh, and yeah, another thread about imaginary friends or some shit tied with it. - Joe

    Best LPA Quote


    This hilarious gem was posted by Night of Neptune in the Favorite Desserts thread and this quote will forever be echoed in the LPA for many years to come. Congratulations, Night of Neptune!

    On a serious note, though, pussy.

    Best Debater


    Kacy has definitely found somewhere he belongs by winning Best Debater this year and it goes hand in hand with Kacy’s win for Most Controversial member. Kacy has a reputation of debating that Linkin Park album that was never released in 2003 and if you're on the end of it, you better hit the floor because it's easier to run than try and argue back. We never want Kacy to break the habit of debating with members on the LPA, because it's very rare that nobody's listening when he goes on a posting session here. If you're taking him seriously, you've already lost. - Joe

    Best Taste In Music


    POW, it’s the Z to the ak? I dunno...but I do know that Zak wins the 2012 award for having the Best Taste in Music! You can always find Zak rating and recommending music in the forums and shoutbox. With his versatile taste in music ranging from EDM and dubstep music to badass Bollywood love songs, Zak’s opinions and criticisms are well respected on the LPA. Congratulations, Zak!

    Best Musician


    The very talented and respected m_macdonald AKA Mike wins the award for Best Musician 2012! I’m sure most LPA members are familiar with Mike’s work as he is a 4-time MMU winner, most recently winning the MMU for the Castle of Glass Free-for-all month with his awesome Celtic Electro themed remix. Don’t forget us, Mike, when you’re a big-time music producer! Check out Mike’s music here: https://soundcloud.com/m_macdonald Congratulations, MaccyD!

    Best Artist


    There was never any doubt that Dragondust would make an appearance in the creative categories featured in the 2012 LPA Awards, afterall, she's one of the few members who can be found in all three of the LPA's Project sub-forums. Whether she's posting images of her paintings in Artists Studio or her lyrics and poetry in the Writers Block and Recording Studio, there's no question that Dragondust is an artist who just keeps getting better on the LPA. - Joe

    Best Writer


    Seeing Kacy come away with Best Writer might be a surprise in the sense that he rarely posts in Writers Block, but when you take a step back and look at his well constructed posts on the LPA forums, it's hard to deny that he doesn't deserve this award. His quick wit, grammatically literate and unmatched typo records are definitely the attributes that lead Kacy to taking home the Best Writer of 2012 award. Congratulations, Kacy!


    Well, that wraps up the LPA AWARD 2012! We hope you all enjoyed taking part as Joe and I had a blast hosting these Awards and we believe the diverse results and nominations reflect the fantastic community here at the LPA! Congratulations to all the winners, runners up and nominees! See you all next year!


    - Ree and Joe​
  2. #2


    Jul 28, 2010
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    I give my thanks to everyone who voted for me.

    I'm surprised at some of the things I've been voted as;

    Favourite Member:
    Being tied second place with Tim, Ree and Hybrid? I didn't know people liked me this much!

    Most Intelligent Member:
    The fact that I've even been nominated is a big surprise. THANK YOU!

    Most Funniest Member:
    Again! Being nominated is still slightly shocking! Thanks for the vote(s)!

    Most Dedicated Member:
    The fact that I was nominated, let alone second place:- :awesome:

    LPA'er You Would Most Like To Meet:
    THIRD! I'm a happy happy man.

    Best Thread:
    The fact that Welcome Back Joe thread tied second was surprising. Forgot about that thread myself!

    Favourite Unofficial Smilie:
    Kacy deserves a lot of credit for giving me the idea and being the driving force over and over and over and over and over again until he was satisfied with the end result. It was tough to handle but I think I did pretty good job and reached his standards.
    To be honest I'm not really surprised about this one. Most of them were mine!

    Nicest Member:
    ME? NICE? Hahahahahahahahaha! Thank you for the votes. No, seriously.

    Best Debater:
    How I ended up third is beyond me but to even be third makes me a happy man.

    Best Taste In Music:
    :partyminus: MAN-OH MAN. I did not expect this at all! I would first like to thank my family and my friends who have done so much for me to win this award! :kappa:
    Seriously love you guys who voted for me! <3

    Best Artist:
    I thought I would be the one to claim this category but alas, I forgot about DRAGONDUST! I'll happily come second if he's the winner. Thank you to those who voted for me!
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2013
  3. #3

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    I just realized that HelenLP stopped posting after 69 posts. Coincidence? :kappa:

    Congrats on the winners! ^_^
  4. #4

    Serenity Suffocating in the mess

    Jun 4, 2010
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    (w00t) Congrats, everyone!
  5. #5

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Holy shit what
  6. #6

    Suffered All we need is faith

    Jun 29, 2012
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    Congratulations to everyone!
  7. #7

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Here's what I voted:

    Favourite Member: Zak
    Favourite Staff Member: Joe
    Most Intelligent Member: Ree
    Most Funniest Member: Joe
    Most Random Member: VeLLi
    Most Controversial Member: LPHybrid Soldier
    Most Missed Member: Franny
    Most Attractive Male Member: Joe
    Most Attractive Female Member: Ree
    Most Dedicated Member: Joe
    Best Newbie: Kevin
    LPA'er You Would Most Like To Meet: Ree
    Best Thread: The 2012 LPA Awards
    Favourite LPA Smilie: partyminus
    Favourite Unofficial Smilie: Joe deepthroating a hot dog.
    Nicest Member: Zane
    Biggest WTF Thread: "WOLF": A text-based game
    Best LPA Quote: The following:

    "Sarah - I haven't had sex in two months.
    Joe - Oh dear God, kill me now."

    Best Debater: Todd
    Best Taste In Music: Joe
    Best Musician: m_macdonald
    Best Artist: Zak
    Best Writer: Will. (Roses are red, violets are blue, I'll fuck you with a rake.)
  8. #8


    Jul 28, 2010
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    Favourite Member: Tim
    Favourite Staff Member: Joe
    Most Intelligent Member: Kacy
    Most Funniest Member: Mike Macdonald
    Most Random Member: HelenLP
    Most Controversial Member: Kacy
    Most Missed Member: Amanda
    Most Attractive Male Member: JJ
    Most Attractive Female Member: Liz
    Most Dedicated Member: Ree
    Best Newbie: Kevin
    LPA'er You Would Most Like To Meet: Tim
    Best Thread: Rate the song above - NoN
    Favourite LPA Smilie: Kappa
    Favourite Unofficial Smilie: JoeDog
    Nicest Member: Melis
    Biggest WTF Thread: LP Dreams Imaginary Friends
    Best LPA Quote: NoN's pussy quote
    Best Debater: Kacy
    Best Taste In Music: Melis
    Best Musician: Mike Macdonald
    Best Artist: Serenity of Ashes
    Best Writer: Theazninvasion
  9. #9

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    Congrats to the winners! I'm honored to have made second place in "Favorite Member" and "Most Dedicated Member." Also, taking third place for "Nicest Member" also means a lot to me. Thank you to those who voted. It really does mean a lot. :)
  10. #10

    m_macdonald Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Thanks a lot to those who voted me "Best Musician", really appreciate that! :D
  11. #11
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    This thread should be on the front page and the winners should be mailed custom made statues
  12. #12

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    Congratulations to the winners! Well deserved. Here were my votes:

    Favourite Member: Tim
    Favourite Staff Member: Ree
    Most Intelligent Member: Minus (Kacy)
    Most Funniest Member: Joe
    Most Random Member: VeLLi
    Most Controversial Member: Blackee Dammet
    Most Missed Member: VeLLi ))))
    Most Attractive Male Member: Chris
    Most Attractive Female Member: Liz
    Most Dedicated Member: Derek
    Best Newbie: Melis
    LPA'er You Would Most Like To Meet: Flagrare
    Best Thread: BID/LT Puzzle Thread Favourite LPA Smilie: :dafuq: (Can''t believe I didn't vote kappa, shoot me)
    Favourite Unofficial Smilie: :drillbra:
    Nicest Member:Melis
    Biggest WTF Thread: Replace Movie Titles and TV Shows with "Cunt"
    Best LPA Quote: Joe's Response to Zak's "Is Joe home yet?" question
    Best Debater: Derek
    Best Taste In Music: Minus (Kacy)
    Best Musician: m_macdonald
    Best Artist : m_macdonald
    Best Writer: Minus
  13. #13
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    I was a nominee in best writer? Wut :O
  14. #14

    Decay Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2011
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    Thanks to the people who voted for me, really means a lot to me! And congrats to the winners!
  15. #15


    Oct 21, 2011
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    2nd Place on Best Musician <3 thanks a lot
  16. #16

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    what the fuck happen to this board in my absence. jesus christ
  17. #17


    Apr 3, 2010
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    Great! Love seeing all the people who deserved to win, won!

    Just curious, how did I ever get voted third most controversial?
  18. #18

    Joeverflow It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Tell me about it. You should have won Most Attractive Male for the Damien Sandow shirt alone.

  19. #19

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Completely shocked to see me not only get so many votes, but for me to come in second or third in so many categories. Thanks to everyone who voted for me in anything, and congratulations to all of the winners!

    Now let's touch penises (if applicable).
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  20. #20
    The Emptiness Machine

    The Emptiness Machine Out of the abyss. LPA Über VIP

    Apr 27, 2007
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    The results came too soon.

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