When did you officially become a LP fan? I know some people here must of followed them in the Hybrid Theory days and some just started following them after "Breaking The Habit" came out; Be honest! -Fan since November 2001
after i heard crawling my friend had it on a cd i beleave it was in 2000 i found it was by linkin park then i bought hybrid theory and i'm glad i did
March 2002. Went on a class field trip to Washington DC and I needed some new music to listen to on the LONG bus trip there, so I picked up Hybrid Theory. I'd heard songs before that, I liked In the End and I'd known about them since early 2001 when One Step Closer started getting played on MTV but that was when I truly became a fan.
this is so emberrasing, but i became a fan after their tour! every fan says they went to see them live and i was stupid enough to start liking them after it. ...............that was in september 2004 :whistle:
been a fan since i got hybrid theory a week or two after it was released (fall 2000).. if i remember.. best buy priced it for $6.99 as a part of their new artist promotion that they do for bands with debuts on occasion.. i loved hybrid theory. thought reanimation was genious and almost perfect. took the remix, and made it the remix. and ive absolutely loved meteora since the day it was released.
Crawling was being played every 20 minutes, and I loved the song. Bought HT, been a fan ever since. So I guess that as 2001 sometime.
Not sure really. I heard In The End as a kid and liked it, but I never really liked music back then. So I truly became and LP fan in 2002.