That's the same figure from the Lost In The Echo official lyrics video with added effects, if I'm not mistaken.
Yeah. I really like that cover. It's like you are the person of view. It feels like I'm falling. And dem' grass on dem' arm. ;P
It looks like its a shot of the figures right arm. From bottom it's the shoulder, middle is the elbow bent & the top right is the arm which we can see his hand. Looks like its in the same position from the lyric video. Random shot but it looks good.
It's as clear as day to me Anyone should be able to tell it's the same model from the lyric video. I thought it was pretty obvious that it's the left hand - you can clearly see the thumb and index finger. Also, does anyone else agree that the primary image (Brad's arm) is giving way to a secondary image which appears to be grass on a forest's edge? Look specifically at the area above and below the titles - look like trees to me
i know this is out of topic but can someone plz tell me if with the 1-month trial LPU11 Pass i can acess the store and buy items? Regarding a answer And have a Nice day LP Soldiers some items you can order even without an LPU account, but for example LPU11, CD can i order it with the one month trial (GAVED on Living THings)? ?????
You'd probably have a better time going to the appropriate LP-related sub-forum and asking instead of a news thread about cover art.
Hi, welcome to the LPA. You already posted the same post earlier on in this thread. It is off topic and you are more likely to get a response if you start a thread HERE.
It's an arm of a person. The things coming out from the arm is not grass. It looks more like string pieces of their flesh and arm coming apart rather than weed. Apart from that, i honestly don't get the whole singles business. And why is it coming out in the UK first? Or is it just going to be exclusive to the UK?
I actually just thought this was supposed to be a view looking over the left shoulder of a person falling backwards/down with their arms out. The grass or whatever seems to fit the pattern of random textures being added to the 3D models.
also according to Wiki the person on the cover and in the lyric video is supposed to be brad, which mike confirmed in an interview
''And I just want to correct Joe here - It's Sliven, not silven. It's name of a Bulgarian city. Last edited by Ominous brain; 07-11-2012 at 12:05 PM.''