Now that we can hear the tracks... what album do you think is better? And what are your favourite to least favourite albums now?
I vote A Thousand Suns. Living Things came WAY closer to ATS than I thought it would though. I can't stop listening to Lost In the Echo!!!
BURN IT DOWN actually caused me to lower my expectations, but after listening to the whole album, I'd say it is my least favorite track on the album. I can't say which is better so I've voted for LIVING THINGS because I'll probably listen to a hell of a lot more.
Living Things is more consistent, approachable, and enjoyable than A Thousand Suns. Creatively, perhaps A Thousand Suns still has the edge. Although, I almost came to see A Thousand Suns as more of a novelty album, something you had to be in a very specific mood for to enjoy. Living Things reminds me of Meteora and Hybrid Theory in that I can listen to these songs at any given time and enjoy them. The album itself flows much better than I expected. Obviously, the "thread of consistency" is much more apparent in Living Things as well. You don't go from crickets, to tribal drums, to reggae raps within two songs. I enjoy that about Living Things. Overall Living Things blows A Thousand Suns out of the water for me. The real test will be seeing how I feel in about a week when comparing it to Meteora. Meteora has 9 years of nostalgia backing it, but I feel Living Things may actually replace it as my favorite Linkin Park album. We'll see about that though.
Although I like ATS more, I'm just glad that Living Things is good enough to be in the conversation with ATS and HT for best LP album. Living Things was a lot better than I expected!
ATS still holds top spot for me. Not one track on ATS disapointed me. Still love them all. Roads Untraveled and Skine to Bone are ehh. Especially skin to bone. idk if i'll ever like that song. IMO there's not much depth to the song at all.
It's just so gnarly though. That was the first word I thought of when listening to it. I really like the tripped out feel the song has. And, Roads Untraveled may be my favorite ballad LP has ever written. A spot previously held by Iridescent.
Skin to Bone feels somewhat mesmerizing to me. I think it's a cool little track and one of my favourites of the album Anyway, Living Things is centuries better than A Thousand Suns. It appealed to me so much more, was miles more enjoyable and left me jumping up and down to each song for ages. In fact, this is the seventh time listening to the album in full and every track is awesome and for once doesn't take a lot of time to get into. It's an easy album to get into and is easily my second favourite album by them. ATS on the other hand is my least favourite studio album
A Thousand Suns was a great album, and it contains one of my 2 favorite LP songs, Iridescent. (the other is Breaking the Habit.) But, as a whole, Living Things trumps it hands-down. There is not a bad track on the album. Every single song blew my mind in some way or another.
Already finding Living Things leaner and more accessible. While the ambition and innovation of ATS was respectable, it didn't necessarily translate into good sounding songs, because by choosing to eschew the pop framework a lot of people found it very unfocused and meandering. I think the band have gotten past that with Living Things by going back to these standard pop structures, which is something they're probably been more comfortable with anyway.
Yeah, "Living Things" seems to be considerably more accessible than "A Thousand Suns". "Burn It Down" made that pretty obvious. [YOUTUBE]EKy3qcbwnA0[/YOUTUBE]
A Thousand Suns for me. Living Things is amazing, but there are just too many generic-sounding songs to me. Granted, they are outweighed by experimentation in the second half greater than ATS imo, but still the ratio's not as good as ATS to me.
At this point, I can't honestly choose. And if you know me and my opinions on Linkin Park music, you know what that entails. Wow.