LIVING THINGS Scavenger Hunt: Progress & Discussion

Discussion in 'News' started by Ree, May 8, 2012.

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  1. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    I don't think it'll be over after this, mainly because it's just the 4th clue and that number seems too low. I could be wrong but I would guess at least 5-8 or 10 and in more different areas of the world to give more fans a chance to participate
  2. LiesGreedMisery

    LiesGreedMisery Laos Greece Missouri

    May 13, 2012
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    Haha, same here! I'm actually considering dumping all my money into a plane ticket so I can be at the zoo tomorrow. What's my problem? Omg xD
  3. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    You're even crazier than I am lol. Plane ticket? I was just gonna drive...but yea that's not happening from Dallas eh? lol...

    I just actually enjoy scavenger hunts, and it's extra-cool that this one involves LP. I'm also intrigued at the idea that I might be the only one there, not that you know..solely LPA visitors are participating..I'm sure others have gone who have nothing to do with the LPA...but it's making me think about the idea because judging from the board you guys can't seem to find someone from Chicago who's all ready to go...
  4. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    Oops I forgot to quote you on my last post......I hope you know my above message was for you, LiesGreedMisery lol
  5. LiesGreedMisery

    LiesGreedMisery Laos Greece Missouri

    May 13, 2012
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    I'm only 15... I can't drive. :awesome:

    But, yeah, it's kind of interesting to see who actually shows up to these things.
  6. zorrodude

    zorrodude Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2012
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    I would drive 13 hours only if I knew nobody was going to get the next clue. But since someone most likely will, I'll save myself a few hundred dollars.
  7. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    Impressive, I couldn't afford a plane ticket when I was 15 lol.

    I'm starting to wonder what happens if nobody shows up for Chicago's clue...I've seen tweets from Mike saying things like "Scavenger hunt back on!" implying that it is possible to end before it's over...but I really hope if nobody shows up tomorrow then they just end the hunt before the desired result of finding all the clues...that would really suck especially after the efforts of people in Tokyo, Australia and Toronto...I also really want to see what the "huge payoff" is for the hunt that Mike keeps referring to...

    Maybe they just re-do the 4th clue for another day and try again? Maybe try a new city? Anything is better than canceling it. If I knew for sure right now that nobody is planning to go and that the hunt will definitely end/get canceled if nobody goes...then my consideration to make the long drive would rise and I'd probably go...I've done a lot of crazy things in my life so this isn't out of my realm of possibility...
  8. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    Yes, my sentiments exactly. If I was somehow assured nobody was going, and that the hunt would get canceled if nobody went...

    I'll hold out hope that somebody who doesn't visit is going for the clue
  9. Ree

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    LPMeteorain, welcome to the LPA! Please try not to double post, you can click edit on your previous post and add more text in there if you need to. You can also use the multi-quote option too. :)


    Where are all the Chicago people at?! I know there are more people from Chicago on here other than Hybrid. I just can't remember who haha.
  10. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    Sorry for the double posts, I knew it was probably getting annoying for some. I'm not just new to this board, I'm new to boards, period. But I'll get the hang of it soon...not even sure if I'm staying on this one actually, but for now no immediate plans to leave.
  11. Ree

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    It's fine haha, if you need help with anything then just message a red or purple member. You'll get the hang of it pretty quick. You can check out the Forum Rules and posting guide in Newbie Camp. Glad you decided to join the LPA and I hope you stick around! :awesome:
  12. Kameiko

    Kameiko Ketchup Face

    May 12, 2011
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    The clue is in a major city aka Chicago. I am SURE someone is going to get it. Don't jump to conclusions on Plane tickets and long car drives. :mellow:
  13. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    Yea that's my thinking when I say "I'll hold out hope that someone's going even though nobody on here is confirming"...ok I didn't say it quite that way but same idea...could very well be someone who doesn't post on LPA boards but still gets LP tweets...
  14. LiesGreedMisery

    LiesGreedMisery Laos Greece Missouri

    May 13, 2012
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    There's something to be said for having a job :awesome: :awesome:

    And yeah... I don't think that it'll just be left unfound. I'm sure there's someone in Chicago who plans to go; in fact, there are probably multiple people. They simply may or may not be a part of the LPA forums or anything like that.
  15. Nish

    Nish Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    While we're at it guys, if no one can make it, I'll I just need to find a kayak...

    View attachment 4535
  16. LiesGreedMisery

    LiesGreedMisery Laos Greece Missouri

    May 13, 2012
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    You, my friend, just won the Internet.
  17. RiderSSPU

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    :lol: that's awesome! LMFAO, no seriously I can't stop laughing
  18. Kameiko

    Kameiko Ketchup Face

    May 12, 2011
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    I think people worry too much.
  19. LPMeteorain

    LPMeteorain Guest

    Well only four people showed up in Toronto...not exactly "scary low" but I expected closer to 10...but yea, you're right, no need to worry here. Chicago's a big city with a big population, I've been and I got lost so I'd know lol
  20. Gloomy Mushroom

    Gloomy Mushroom Absolute Zero LPA Super VIP

    May 13, 2008
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    Hybrid lives near Chicago.
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