Challange accepted... Only cause I didn't listen to the Minutes To Midnight and A Thousand Suns leak. Also, cause I have always found it enjoyable picking up a copy of the album and hearing it for the first time in my car. Nothing wrong with listening to the leak though.
I think the album's going to leak end of the week, early next week. Mike knows this hence this post a week in advance.
The thing I've learned about leaks is that the feeling you get from listening to a leak knowingly and just listening through that file on your PC is just not the same as holding the CD booklet in your hand and following along as you listen to the songs for the first time. There's a feeling of accomplishment when you hold out for your first listen. It's so many emotions in one second: awe, gratification, accomplishment, joy, and surprise
It's amazing, but I couldn't do that anymore as I have to way too much, if I got albums the same day, I would probably be like you (except I wouldn't avoid song names, I don't mind that )
When it comes to Linkin Park I just get too excited. It started during the ATS cycle because it was my first cycle where I was actually really there for the album release. I had missed all the previous release dates. So I had decided that I'd do something special to encompass the best first ever CD purchase experience. I avoided everything as I'm doing now and the feeling was just so joyful when I listened to ATS (the CD had arrived a day later than the official release which was dreadful hearing kids in class who didn't like that much had listened already). Anyhow, I liked it so much that I decided to do it again!
Sorry Mike. I love you, but I'm on vacation the week Living Things comes out so I'm going to have to listen to the leak.
Not gonna happen Why are YOU taking a vacation don't get that until we get Hl Ep3 or anything in freeman's world. Mike i'm sorry I'm gonna be blunt unless and until u come to India for a concert i am not going to follow any rules I'll download it the second it is online. Besides i've already pre ordered it through a local store
Oh Mike why you do this to us I'll try to hold on... And don't worry I will buy the record in the stores anyway, even if I don't like it (which I doubt).
i.......dont think this is going to happen with me lol once i see a leak, i go for it out of pure excitement