Curious about something, when in the acapella tracks sometimes you can hear the song in the background ever so lightly. Is this from the original track or the music coming from their headphones or when actually doing the recording? It's that or i am just imagining the music.
When Chester and Mike record vocals they usually sing with the instrumental playing in the background, it's possible that some of that gets caught in the recording.
Seems logical that it's from their headphones. Since when you record vocals, it's a specific channel in the pro tools so if someday you'd like to make an acapella, you just silence all the other channels on the track and export it as an audio file. Also another technical remark - Though there's a good chance that the instrumentals have been re-mixed, There is also the technical explanation on "why it sounds better": Every song after mixing & mastering cannot surpass 0db, if it does - you will hear a distortion, and not the "HT & Meteora" good kinda distortion So during the mixing process there is a tool that's called "Limiter" which makes sure that no channel in the audio track will surpass the 0db. It does so by "lowering" in a way some sounds that are "sitting" at the same db rate of the vocals (it's basically numbers), so simply put - no vocals? more space to "weaker" sounds to shine. Hope i didn't make you fall asleep
Listening to the actual CD is enjoyable and I love it but I realize I take their hard work for granted after hearing the instrumentals and acapellas. it adds so much more depth and beauty to all of the songs. I really wish they would do this with every CD, I think a lot more people would appreciate all the time, effort and work that goes in to these songs at that point. and a small question, do you think this album goes towards their record amount on their contract like they are trying to hurry and release what they are obligated to do and move off of Warner? or this is "this year's" milton keyes, reanimation, live in texas, etc. etc. ?
As far as I'm concerned this could've been there LPU and I would've been happy with it. Anything at this point is a bonus. This is so awesome.
Nice. I'm really enjoying the instrumentals and acapellas, it really does let you appreciate the subtleties of the original songs.
Yes sir and its a combination of the headphones being so loud/not on both ears and the expensive studio mic that will pick up every little sound
omg an avatar, you got me. But yeah i put that there right when the cover art was released. Before I knew LT wasn't any good.
Im not a fan of the cover art so i made this, its nothing to crazy just trying to keep it simple (Click on Image For Full Size)
Then maybe you should change it so you don't look silly again in the future. The acapellas really show how much they went back into the "toolbox" as far as studio tricks are concerned. Lots of doubled vocals on this album.