The official Acapellas and Instrumentals for Linkin Park's new album, LIVING THINGS, is now available for download through Itunes US here. The album is available for $11.99 USD, while the individual tracks will cost $1.29 USD each. There is no word on the instrumental / acapella album being released across other digital stores as of right now or if the album will be released through other international iTunes stores because as of time of writing it is only available to US customers. If you find the album available in your iTunes store, post the link in the comments. The album features all LIVING THINGS album tracks in their instrumental and acapella formats and make a great resource for producers, DJ's, remixers and anyone interested in hearing LIVING THINGS with a new breath of fresh air. These will definitely be an asset to our LPA Monthly Mix-Up competitions, which will be utilized into our next theme in the coming weeks, so keep an eye out for that. Purchase "LIVING THINGS - Acapellas & Instrumentals" on iTunes US Source: Itunes via Phase12
Linkin Park are on a major record label, of which that label has a hand in everything they do and of whom gets a cut on EVERY album release (including LPU CDs). The odds of these being free were limited from the get-go. And besides, even though LPA doesn't support piracy and will delete links offering the acapellas for free, we all know that within a week these will be widely available anyways. It's how the internet works.
Is it just me or is the mixing slightly better in the instrumentals? I can hear the instruments a LOT clearer.
We weren't sure, we said it wasn't confirmed whether or not it was international or not . Also to hype shit up, next month's theme for MMU is a suggestion courtesy of Shinoda. More details coming in a few weeks. Meanwhile, enjoy your pants shitting brought on by that revelation.
Wouldn't it make more sense to release multitracks or stems if they wanted people to go hogwild on remixes?
Oh, okay! I saw that Germany gets it on the 14th, so I was doubting I was seeing well, because apparently, we can get it now, like in the US xD Thanks!
Yes. IN MY REMAINS is mixed a lot better and there are these awesome tingly sounds that I had never heard before. I'LL BE GONE has a more prominent bass guitar. LIES GREED MISERY has this constant synth beeping noise in the background. The acoustic guitar in CASTLE OF GLASS is also more apparent. VICTIMIZED sounds the same to me. ROADS UNTRAVELED has some components louder. SKIN TO BONE sounds very similar. Not sure if there are any notable changes. UNTIL IT BREAKS also sounds quite similar except some sounds such as the metronome clicking-thingy sounds louder. POWERLESS also seems to be unchanged from the album mix.
Is anyone else having trouble with their Roads Untraveled instrumental file? Mine plays until about 1:46 and then automatically skips to the next song. Under right click, get info, options, the stop time for the song is 3:50:459, so that isn't the problem.
If you already purchased something I don't think they charge you again. I once re-downloaded a paid app I had accidentally deleted and I wasn't charged. Keep in mind this was a while ago and I'm not sure on Apple's current policies.