I WANT TO GO TO LIVID IN BRISBANE!!! :'( :'( Yes, you can get them. I got a email about it or something. I don't know how the LPU works and stuff..
im meeting linkin park at a meet and greet on the livid tour (melbourne) and i cant wait if i was you guys id do everything to try and get tickets for the concert coz if you miss out , you will forever regret :chaz:
WOOoOooOOW!!!!!! you guys are going!! you're so lucky...! part of why im not going is cos my parents wont let me!!!!!! :argh:
HELL YEAH lp in australia oh too bad there not coming to Perth that sucks but they will probably have something in the newspaper about it
lp were heaps good, although the performance of SIB was questionable at the end but the rest was awesome. I'l post up some pics if i can find some and chester jumped into the crowd, unfortunately i was too far away to get up close.