Discussion in 'On Stage' started by Mechanical Christ, Jun 23, 2004.

  1. #1
    Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    Oh god. First my friend inhumane perspective and i were countdowning for so many days, now it's all over.

    The opening band was this Korean band call PIA. They were quite good but every booed a little because, hey, we came here to see Linkin Park, not them, right?

    Boy, did we have the time of our lives there. I was screaming till I felt as if i needed that operation chester had. And my arms ache from waving it and doing the rawk sign the whole time. And at the end they walked to the edge and Mike started flinging water on us! It was so fun. And I swore that Rob and Chester and Mike saw me! Rob threw his drumsticks in Live In Texas, so I was keeping my eyes on him the whole time they were done but i didn't see him coming to the edge to throw. BUT, but, when i was going back to the hotel to meet my dad, I saw these two girls who were at the concert (they were wearing LP t-shirts bimbo style :rolleyes: ) AND THEY HAD ONE DRUMSTICK EACH!! With the 4 Lp symbols!! :angry: I mean...i wish i had those. I wish they would make us take a test and then thetop three highest scores could get backstage passes, because after that we hung around the gate (with the mean looking guard) and gave up anyway.

    And during the concert, Chester said someone was going to leave. My friend and I stared in horror as we wondered which band member was going to go. I was, like, "Man if they go I'm going to protest" but it turned out it was only this girl called Janette (if that's the spelling) and Chaz said she was going to start a new life away from Linkin park, so the crowd sang her a birthday song and Brad played Happy Birthday on the guitar. The he gave her a big hug and she went offstage.

    They also did a NIN cover for a song I don't know the title, but Chaz said "if you know the song, don't sing along, we don't want anyone getting in trouble"

    After that these PIA fan club came over and gave me their CD, 3rd Phase and asked me how there were. I said they were really good. IMO, they were like LP, a lot of screaming, and a little Limp Bizkit.

    Two questions : Who was Janette? And what was that NIN song that they did? And how did those girls get his drumsticks?! I was SO hoping to get it... *cry*

    And later, I couldn't sleep, mainly because I was replaying the songs in my head the whole time and cursing the universe in general why I didn't go earlier to get better places so I could get in front and beg for the drumsticks and Mike and Chester and Brad and Phoenix could have seen me better, and why i couldn't have gotten the backstage passes even though I sent in a contest form from the Meteora Tour Edition CD to win backstage passes.
  2. #2
    inhumane perspective

    inhumane perspective Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    Yes, me and UndeadSpectre were there to see LP live. Well, fortunately we got the 150 tix, because if we had gotten the 85 one, some members of LP wouldn't have seen'l practically think they're ants on the stage. Lol.

    I swore Chaz, Mike, Joe, and Rob saw us. In fact, Rob smiled at us from behind the drums. When they were playing Place For My Head, both of us were drumming along with Rob. He sort of saw, and smiled at us. Well, if was a surprising sight, anyway. And when UndeadSpectre was drumming Lying From You, Rob winked at her! Omgoodness! The worst part was, I didn't see Rob smiled at us, when both of us were drumming. It was only after the concert when UndeadSpectre told me. ;)

    I couldn't sleep too. I was picturing the whole scene once again and replaying their faces in my mind. I was screaming so hard along with them that I kept coughing and my throat was hurting badly. I was filled with sweat.. :D

    Everybody was just pumped up. Oh and this Korean band PIA played for us before LP came up. They were good. And the lead singer could scream like Chaz. They were encore for Limp Bizkit and LP before, so I guess if LP wants us to hear them, we've got to.

    All the fans were just crazy mann..we were one of the most enthu ones. Gosh just yesterday we were still countdowning towards the concert. Now it's over. Poor UndeadSpectre didn't manage to get the drumsticks.

    The last song was One Step Closer, and after that one by one they came to the front. They mentioned coming back! :D
  3. #3
    Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    Don't Stay
    Lying From You
    Papercut (Mike said dedicated to all the crazy people, which includes me)
    Points Of Authority
    With You
    Breaking The Habit
    Somewhere I Belong
    From the Inside
    Step Up (who could rock a rhyme like this?! LIKE THIS!)/Nobody's Listening / It's going Down (I knew all the words perfectly)
    Place For My Head
    A Nine Inch Nails song
    Crawling with the Reanimation Intro
    In The end
    One Step Closer

    [EDIT] ok, i found out...well actually inhumane perspective did...the NIN song is Wish.

    they're more or less in the same order.
  4. #4

    eXtricate`[LP] Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    god ..i wanted to go so badly .. let's hope they would come here again though i know it would be a couple a years from now ..
  5. #5
    Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    Do not fear, my friend! :lol:

    You know why? :lol:

    because Chester said he "could not wait to come back and see all your faces again" :D
  6. #6

    Atsuzen Super Member LPA Super Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    I wish I could've gone to the concert ... :angry:

    Oh well. :)

    Sounds like you guys had lotsa fun ... I went to the concert in KL last year, but I couldn't hype myself up so much since 'Children below 18' weren't allowed to stand in the field ... GRRRRRRR ... :angry: But anyway I had fun murdering the seat I was jumping on. :)
  7. #7

    eXtricate`[LP] Member

    Jun 17, 2004
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    let's hope .. ;)
  8. #8
    Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    I'm going to cry.


    The other day at the concert i went back after the concert to get a drink and i saw a black cap all trampled on the ground and didn't give any thought to it.

    Then today i found out mike threw his cap into, a black one he always wears...the same one in live in texas.....and the one i found was black. It's probably been taken away by cleaners now....

    I'm going to tear soon.
  9. #9

    metal_launtic89 Member

    Jun 24, 2004
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    Hey people! I too went to Linkin Park's gig here in Singapore! It was extremely awesome! This is my first rock concert as well! I do hope that LP will return to Singapore as soon as they are done with Project Revolution tour, studio recordings for their upcoming album etc! Hiazz, my case is even sadder, dude. My folks don't allow me to buy the tickets cause it's too 'expensive' (as they say it...), so on that fateful day 22nd June, my dad accompanied me to watch the concert OUTSIDE the venue (at the St. Paul Church). Although I did enjoyed myself thoroughly listening and watching to the big TV screen, but it's very very very very very very sad that I didn't get to see them in real. So pathetic me have to imagine them jumping around the stage etc etc and try to imagine and feel the vibe as if I'm in there in the pits.... SAD!!! But argh, I heard Chaz saying that they are happy to come back again and see us again, that cheered me up a little at least. I vowed silently that I MUST GET THE FRONT TICKETS FOR THEIR NEXT GIG HERE! Okay, I shall relax... Anyway, the 3-into-1 song was very innovative! That NIN song was pretty good too! I loved Brad's Happy Birthday -- that's cool! LINKIN PARK IS AWESOME!!!!!!! Think I'm gonna go CRAZY! And why didn't LP have an instore signing session at like HMV or Hereen? That's gonna be great! But they left immediately on the next day -- maybe they can't stand the heat here... Otherwise they will fall in love with the FOOD here and they might feel like to stay here longer the next time or even emigate here - like the Taiwan old heck Su Chun Mei (she's a dumb ass!)... Maybe I'm just thinking too much or I'm paranoid.... Okay this is getting draggy. Bye!
  10. #10

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    Uh, thats because they have other places to perform? :whistle:
  11. #11
    Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    I forgot to mention one thing.

    CHESTER FORGOT THE FIRST 2 LINES FOR NUMB!!! And the crowd had to sing it for him!!! (w00t) I mean...What was that all about?! :lol: Actually, at first, I thought it was a remix. Or something. Because i thought it was different lyrics

    And the NIN song, after searching long and hard with my fren, was Wish. The 3 in one song was the medley.

    And no, my case is sadder than yours. :angry:
  12. #12
    inhumane perspective

    inhumane perspective Member

    Apr 15, 2004
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    I really really hope the cap was just someone else's, and it just happens to be black. I mean..although I DIDN'T see Mike actually threw his cap, but if he did, surely some people would be concentrating on where the cap went right? Or while the cap was flying in the air, someone must have caught it. Or either that someone could have already picked it up..I mean, it's Mike's cap!! Surely it must have been taken away. Ok but if that was really Mike's, either someone caught it and left it behind accidentally, or it was too dark to see where the cap went.. :(

    And, I SO DID not see Joe throw his sweat-soaked towels!! ARH I am not observant enough! :mellow:
  13. #13

    metal_launtic89 Member

    Jun 24, 2004
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    Okay let's hope and pray together that LP will come back again in the near future, then all of us would then again have a better time and look close enough to the flying treasures LP threw down. So let's Pray! LOL! Amen... Bodhisaittivia (??) LOL! :preach:
  14. #14

    metal_launtic89 Member

    Jun 24, 2004
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    Oh yeah, is there pictures for this gig in S'pore? Official ones??
  15. #15

    Mark Canadian Beauty LPA Administrator

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Don't double post. Use the edit button.
  16. #16
    Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    Cameras were actually strictly not allowed but many people took photographs anyway, and the only official one i can think of is the newspaper.

  17. #17

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    sounds like you guys had a great time, i wish i could of joined you guys there. BTW iam pretty sure LP wont play Place For My Head that early in the show (i mean they might of done) but iam pretty sure it will be 2nd last like it usually is.

    And thats kinda unlucky missing out on getting a cap which could of been mikes - just say to yourself........ "next time!"

    i would like to see LP play that NIN cover live one day ^_^

    ps. thanks for the in depth discription of the show, was cool
  18. #18

    metal_launtic89 Member

    Jun 24, 2004
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    LOL, I think we are all insane people! :lol:

    (PS searching the Quran for the malay prayer....)

    - Thou shalt wait for Linkin Park to come back again and again.

    Bye! (I love headbanging!)
  19. #19
    Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    no prob, JJ. Just felt like it was my duty. We aren't insane , we're mad. Insane means you can't think anymore but mad means you still can.

    Yes they will and I do too.
  20. #20

    goth_shinoda Member

    Jul 5, 2004
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    i went to their gig in singapore and it was the best... yea... during the show chester said smth bout somebody leaving and me and my fren were like 'oh no!'... hahaz... lucky it wasnt anyone frm the band.... we waited for like 12 hours outside b4 the lushington security allow us to go in... it was worth the wait... at last i can see mike alive and moving... hahaz.... heard theyare cumin here again.... wish its true...

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