Live Collection

Discussion in 'On Stage' started by Christøffer, Nov 16, 2014.

  1. #1

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I am a bit of a collector of live songs. But I'm missing some songs from my collection. I'm aware that there are some songs that have never seen the light of day live (I'll Be Gone, Powerless), and some that have never been played live since after the debut of the album (Hit the Floor), but I wanted to know if there were soundboard-quality (or high-quality at least) versions of these songs somewhere out there):
    • Hit the Floor (I've scoured for a decent recording from the LPU tour)
    • Nobody's Listening (the full, not any mashups)
    • Session (has it ever been played in full?)
    • Robot Boy (there's only the instrumental short version, but that's what I'm looking for)
    • Roads Untraveled (I'm not sure about any of the Living Things songs)
    • I'll Be Gone (is there an instrumental or something?)
    • Powerless (same ^)
    • Until it Breaks (by itself?)
    • Skin to Bone (same as Until it Breaks)
    Not asking for TPH stuff yet. If I did something wrong or posted this in the wrong place let me know >.>
  2. #2

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    No soundboard recodings of Hit the Floor or a full Nobody's Listening exist. There are plenty of audience recordings of both of them though. Session has never been played in full, they've only ever used it as a concert intro (early 2003 shows and randomly brought back in 2009), and it was an abbreviated version of it that was roughly a minute long. Plenty of soundboard recordings of that version exist.

    None of the other songs you've mentioned have been played live. Robot Boy has only been done as the short instrumental version, Until it Breaks has only ever been a single verse over the intro to Waiting For the End, and Skin to Bone has only ever been part of the instrumental under Mike's solo medley. Roads Untraveled/I'll Be Gone/Powerless haven't been touched at all.

    There are also plenty of soundboard recordings of everything they've played from The Hunting Party so far (Guilty All the Same, Wastelands, Until It's Gone, Rebellion, and Final Masquerade, plus a portion of The Summoning being used as part of "Mashup Intro #2"). I'd anticipate them adding another song or two when they come back to the U.S. next year.
  3. #3

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    Well I was asking if anyone knew where I could find the highest-quality versions of the songs that have been played live. Such as Hit the Floor and Nobody's Listening, or the instrumental Robot Boy (are there any soundboard recordings of any sets from the Carnivores Tour?). Because the best Hit the Floor I've found has the guitar so low in the mix that it's required to boost the frequency to get it to be audible without strain. Also don't know where to find the soundboard versions of Session.
  4. #4

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    I'd go with the Manchester UK show from November of 2003 for Nobody's Listening, pretty good quality recording plus you get the rarely-heard remixed/extended second verse that includes the first verse from Standing in the Middle (which was unreleased at the time).

    Hit the Floor is a tough one since it was only played for a couple months and there aren't a lot of recordings from that period...maybe San Francisco in March of 2003? There aren't really any "good" audience recordings from the LPU tour in my opinion, just a bunch of decent ones.

    Any of the DSPs from the 2009 tour will have Session in them. There's also the proshot MTV $2 Bill recording from Detroit 2003 that includes it.

    There have been quite a few proshot shows from the Hunting Party tours already, Rock Am Ring in June and Camden in August are probably the best ones. Rock Am Ring doesn't have Rebellion, Final Masquerade, or the mashup intro that includes part of The Summoning, but otherwise everything else is found in both shows.
  5. #5

    kinseylimpfy New Member

    Aug 2, 2012
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    Slightly off topic, but does anyone have a link to the Charlotte recordings from this year?
  6. #6

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    The only place I've found this so far is a Russian forum lmao.
    "Decent" meaning panning from left to right all the time? >.>
    Was Hit the Floor ever played for a non-LPU audience? Or was it an LPU tour exclusive?

    Anyway, thanks for the help.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2014
  7. #7

    Astat LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 3, 2004
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    It was played on the LPU tour and Projekt Revolution 2003, so it and Easier to Run were in the set for about 2 months. Only two recordings from the latter tour exist though. I went back through my audio collection and I think the best quality audience recording from that period is the March 2nd Paris show (there are two sources from this show, one is really bad, the other is pretty good). One of the most unfortunate things about that period is that there was a SBD webcast of the Nottingham show on March 3rd that's very good...but they cut Easier to Run and Hit the Floor from the broadcast because the album wasn't out yet and they didn't want bootlegs of too many songs going around. >.< Same thing happened with the MTV $2 Bill show, although that one had to be cut down to fit in an hour-long time slot.
  8. #8

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    What irks me the most is that they released Easier to Run live with the DMD version of Meteora, but not Hit the Floor. They're probably just hiding it up their sleeves somewhere, making people like me absolutely nuts.
  9. #9

    Gibs The Prog Nerd Über Member

    Jul 7, 2012
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    A lot can change in 9 years.
  10. #10

    Christøffer The Cure for Mr. Hahn's Itch LPA Contributor

    Nov 3, 2014
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    I was right all along. Justice.

    Wasabi GOD and Gibs like this.

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