iam sorry if this is against the rules....wow look over there -----> a certain web site has them back up
I thought the Pts. of. Arthrty video was the futuristic lookin dudes fighting in the battle scenes that looked like Halo, at least thats whats on the bonus part of the CD when you put it in the computer
@ papercut - read the earlier posts the points video that was show with all the others on MTV2 i think was different to the one you are on about. Its basically just the american flag, until half way though when a woman is kidnapped and these two dude on motor bikes save her!
Hmm, then where did the robot fighting video (clearly the sweetest video EVER) come from? Whatever, it still kicks ass... And I'm still trying to find the Krwlng video somewhere without resorting to eBay (what I usually refer to as "shopping communism"...those guys who jack the bids up so their friends make money are annoying!), with no luck. Durrrr.......... :chemist:
Better to use the search button and post in an old thread, than make a totally new thread and get on the mods' badside.
I think the Pts.Of.Athrty one with the flag was just part of the promotion, they made the actual video later.
I wonder why they made those and never released them.. do any of you know why? I've allways been curious about it.
i think it was because they had these 'strange' videos for all the other songs - they thought that the real (the animated one you were on about) would look to good compared to the others produced